Test E and Winny Cycle


New member
This will be my second cycle (really my first real cycle tho, first time through had issues with my friend, first "cycle" did test e and tren ace for only 6 weeks, long story, don't ask)

My cycle would be:
Weeks 1-10 Test E @ 500 mg / week
Weeks 7-10 Winstrol (winny) @ 50 mg / day

post cycle therapy (pct): Nolva
Week 1: 40
Weeks 2-3: 20
Weeks 4-5: 10

Is 4 weeks long enough for Winstrol (winny), or do i need to go up to 5 weeks or so?
Also, is my post cycle therapy (pct) okay?

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

i would run a 12 week cycle
& what about your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ? i would suggest using Arimidex Weeks: 1-18

Week: 1-12/Test e/500mg x2 per week suggest Tuesday & Saturday @ 250mg
Week: 6-12/Winny/20/40/60/40/20/10

Week: 14-18/Nolva/40/40/20/20 run Adex through PCT
Week: 1-18/Arimidex .25ed or .5 eod or as needed, find out what works for you!
add some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) after week 3 and run it through your cycle
Weeks: 3-12 250iu 2 times per week

if available
sorry i missed out and never asked for stats.. my bad, previous cycle history?
even thou your previous cycle looks pretty bad..

i would run a 12 week cycle
& what about your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ? i would suggest using Arimidex Weeks: 1-18

Week: 1-12/Test e/500mg x2 per week suggest Tuesday & Saturday @ 250mg
Week: 6-12/Winny/20/40/60/40/20/10

Week: 14-18/Nolva/40/40/20/20 run Adex through PCT
Week: 1-18/Arimidex .25ed or .5 eod or as needed, find out what works for you!

thanks. I've been thinking about a cycle similar to this and you just broke it down very well for me.
run it NOLESS then 12 weeks withteste i rec 14wks myself MIN.
winny ... nto sure why your usign it but 4 weeks or 8 weeks is fine i woudl try to stay under 6 weeks though.

soo if you do liek i say it would look liek so:
wk1-14 Teste 500mg ew
wk10-15 Winstrol (winny) ed
wk15-19 PCT

* I rec HCGenerate the last 5 weeks of cycle leadign upto BUT NOT into pct.

hope that helps.

I would rec Tbol over Winstrol (winny) for many reasons.

also were your AI? ALWAYS have on on hand in case needed for gyno/estrogen issues
I liek Letro at 0.6mg every 3-4 days (2X a week) when needed on cycle. works well
dont use more then that Letro is strong at what its ment to do.