Test E and Winstrol Cycle proper PCT?!!


New member
I'm some what new to juicing, I've done two cycles myself in the past that have gone fairly well. I mainly just sell the stuff, but after seeing results from my customers I had to try it! Anyway, so now I am thinking of starting a new cycle. I am currently living in China which is a GOLDMINE for gear!! I have two vials of Test E 250mg/10ml and 100 20mg of Winstrol.
I'm thinking of doing a ten week cycle to be able to keep a 500mg/ dosage of test e

Week 1-10 250mg test e 2x/week
Week 4-10 50mg winstrol/day

I would really appreciate your experienced opinion and suggestions for improvements or just thoughts on whether this would be a good cycle for a beginner like me.

However, what I REALLLY need help with is finding the proper pct for this cycle!
I keep reading that Nolva wouldn't do much good as a pct for test e and that I need an Aromatase Inhibitor.

Any and all info would be of great help! PM me if you are interested in cheap and reliable gear direct from the manufacturer.