Test E Aromatization Time


New member
I was curious how long after you start pinning does the test start to aromatize, immediately? I know it will take a few weeks to feel the results of the test, but how long til you feel potential sides from test turned estrogen?
Depends on how much Test E you are taking. It is dependent on TT blood levels and amount of aromatase enzyme in your body -- assuming no AI usage.
everyone reacts differently, but you should still take an AI for sure. just start the ai within a couple days of starting
Depends on how much Test E you are taking. It is dependent on TT blood levels and amount of aromatase enzyme in your body -- assuming no AI usage.

^-----this.... As the test becomes available from the muscle and is physiologically utilized by the body some will aromatize and some wont. This is taking into account the amount of test you've pinned and the amount of ai youre running. Not only test aromatizes...deca, trest, dbol, lmg and more that's just the quick few I thought of. if youre not running test solo the ai needs to account for the other aas also.

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I was curious how long after you start pinning does the test start to aromatize, immediately? I know it will take a few weeks to feel the results of the test, but how long til you feel potential sides from test turned estrogen?

there is a enzyme which does the process of aromatization, it is in your system all the time working on you natural test, so is starts the aromatization right away but it takes time to build high estrogen levels.
I was curious how long after you start pinning does the test start to aromatize, immediately? I know it will take a few weeks to feel the results of the test, but how long til you feel potential sides from test turned estrogen?
I just went through this, it was somewhere in the 7th week for me. Thats when my nipples got sensitive. hope this helps
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^-----this.... As the test becomes available from the muscle and is physiologically utilized by the body some will aromatize and some wont. This is taking into account the amount of test you've pinned and the amount of ai youre running. Not only test aromatizes...deca, trest, dbol, lmg and more that's just the quick few I thought of. if youre not running test solo the ai needs to account for rch
Awesome, Thanks dude
Got me some Anastrozole .5 mg EOD

Careful, that's a lot of adex to take without knowing what your estradiol is at. While high estradiol is bad, low estradiol is not pleasant either.

Get a blood test (they're cheap) and adjust your dose from there. Excellent advice all around in this thread - especially the fact that we're all different, so it's near impossible to tell someone how much or how soon aromatization will occur.

My .02c :)
Careful, that's a lot of adex to take without knowing what your estradiol is at. While high estradiol is bad, low estradiol is not pleasant either.

Get a blood test (they're cheap) and adjust your dose from there. Excellent advice all around in this thread - especially the fact that we're all different, so it's near impossible to tell someone how much or how soon aromatization will occur.

My .02c :)
Thanks for the input, .5mg is a lot? I've seen a lot of people run it like that, but I'm sure it's all very personal, I saw some guy if he took over .2mg he had really bad sides. I'll lower it too .25mg EOD and raise it if needed
I'm another one of those who barely aromatize for whatever reason. Even 0.25 EOD is a bit much for me. I started way too high with my Adex and crashed my E2 and ended up chasing my tail for a while. Turns out I really don't need any at all normally. I mistakenly though sensitive nips meant my E2 had to be high, not so at all for me.

I really wish I had just waited for bloods the first time and started from there but I do understand there are those who have the opposite problem and may develop issues that quickly so I guess that's a personal decision.