Test e bloat continous or just at the beginning


New member
Is the bloat from a Testosterone cycle something that only happens the first 2 to 4 weeks or you keep on retaining more water througout the whole cycle?
How much Proviron to prevent TEST E bloat?

How much proviron would you guys recommend if I wanted to use it to prevent the bloat from test E at 1g a week? 25, 50, or even more ED?
How much proviron would you guys recommend if I wanted to use it to prevent the bloat from test E at 1g a week? 25, 50, or even more ED?

I merged your threads.

Proviron is not an AI. You need an Aromatase Inhibitor.

That is a lot of test. I get a sense this is your first cycle. Why would you run so much Test?
I just finished my first cycle of 500mg a week everything was good about to do some bloodwork, I just want to plan my 2nd cycle, and a professional bodybuilder at my gym said I could pull off the bloat with some proviron, and I do have an AI on hand but I didnt use it this cycle I only used nolvadex and everything was fine.
And I want to run more test because more test= more gains, so as long as mu bloodwork comes fine I will do that for my second cycle, just trying to prevent the bloat, I still have a moon face and I tries using the Adex at the beginning of the cycle and it didnt work
You are getting confused on how aromatase inhibitors and SERMs work.

You were bloated on your cycle. This is sign that your estradiol was too high. Did you get blood work during your cycle to see where it came in at? Did you take anything to lower your estradiol?
Great advice thank you for answering
My questions

If you plan on coming here for advice, you should listen to these guys. Also I am sorry to tell you but tbonexl is right. You need to read and learn the difference between an AI and Nolvadex or Proviron.
I know the difference, AI prevents from esteogen aromatizarion, SERMS block certain estrogen receptors and proviron has anti estrogenic activity, still nobody answered my question
Testosterone itself doesn't cause bloat. It can help your muscles retain more glycogen.

Bloat general comes from high estrogen via the aromatization process.

Lowering salt intake can help as well.