Test E/C, EQ, Dbol, +++???


New member
Looking at running a 20 week cycle:

W1-20 - Test E/C blend 600mg per week
W1-20 - EQ 800mg per week
W1-5 - Dbol 30mg
W1-20 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

I also have Tren E 200mg on hand and Mast E any recommendations for adding these or just hold on to them for another day?

27 years old ~175lbs 7-8%bf several cycles completed

Have on hand Clomid/Nolva

Thoughts? Modifications?
Aromasin should be taken every day up to pct. Eq should be cut a couple weeks short of test. What are your plans with the nolva and clomid?
scratch the nolva, going to use toreformine 90/60/60/30/30/30 and clomid 50/50/25/25/25/25

ED at 12.5mg?

I'll cut the eq two weeks before the test

I have been talking to other lab rats and they have suggested running the above and also starting the stack with tren for 5 weeks at 400mg per week then switching to mast for week 6 - 20 at 400mg per week...have you had any experience with that heavy of a stack?
Depends on your goals but It looks solid to me. I would personally add the tren e and the mast e with the eq...