Setting NEWB Gun to KILL
well this was my 13th pin. up about 22+/-3 lbs. mind you i did have a 4 1/2 week tbol kickstart but it isnt known for gaining too much weight.
i eat alot,prolly could eat a bit more but i wanna stay half assed lean. my bf% was 11 and is probably still that or possibly lower now.
on page 13 of this thread down at the bottom is my diet. it varies a bit from this but usually just 1 or 2 meals a day vary from this plan.
i eat alot,prolly could eat a bit more but i wanna stay half assed lean. my bf% was 11 and is probably still that or possibly lower now.
on page 13 of this thread down at the bottom is my diet. it varies a bit from this but usually just 1 or 2 meals a day vary from this plan.