Test E Cycle - All Input Welcomed


Well-known member
Alright, so I'm nearing the time I've set to begin cycle. I have only a few questions left I think. Specific ones.

Firstly, I currently have on hand

Cycle Supplies

2 - 5000iu Amps of HCG
3 - 2500mg vials of Test E (Concentrated to 250mg/ml in 10ml vials)
2 - 30mg bottles of liquid Arimidex (1mg/ml, 30ml per bottle) 60mg total product
50 - 23ga x 1" needles
50 - 25ga x 1" needles
100 - 3ml syringes

Post Cycle Supplies

50 - 20mg tablet of Tamoxifen Citrate (1000mg total)
50 - 50mg tablets of Clomid (2500 mg total)


Things I still need to purchase

- BAC water
- Sharps Box
- Alcohol Swabs
- Empty Vial(s) (HCG Mix)
- Latex Gloves?


Weeks 1-12
Test E 500mg/Wk (2 injections)
HCG 500ius/Wk (paired injections with Test)
Arimidex - .25mg EOD

Weeks 13-16
HCG 500ius/Wk (2 Injections)
Arimidex - .25mg EOD

Weeks 17-20
Clomid - 300mg Day One, 100mg ED Weeks 17-18,
50mg ED 19-20
Nolva (Only if needed)

Normalization - 20 weeks, (4-5months)

Okay, so critique that. In any way please.

My main questions is regarding the HCG, is there any rule of thumb on concentration, as in would a BAC:HCG ratio ever be too harsh for an injection? I understand how to dose, and mix to the right amount. But what's the norm, and where does it become too concentrated?

For the dual Injection, should I draw one over the other first.. HCG then Test, or Test then HCG? I would imagine since test is more oily, and heavy, you would draw hcg first, then Test to keep them seperate. Not passing through each other on the draw up right?

I suppose everyone will want me stats as well, some know me, some do not.

Age - 24
Gender - Male
Height - 5'8"
Weight - 180lbs
Body Fat - <15%

Okay that covers it I think, anything I think of I'll add in, be as critical as you want, I won't take any offense.
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I should mention to those that do not know, 3J is handling my nutrition, through cycle, post cycle, for another 35+ weeks, so I'm set there and keep myself to it.

Training is his protocol as well.
Thanks for the link. It actually didn't contain anything that I asked about though. It doesn't mention anything in regards to injecting both Test and HCG in one shot. And it also doesn't go into detail about concentration of HCG in its mix.

I suppose I forgot to add in my bloodwork, but it's been done, and 3Js evaluated and said it's g2g. I'll post later it's a lot to write on my phone lol..

Any actual input I could get would be great thanks. Not just a link to a thread I've read many times.