Test E cycle with Test P and TBol to kickstart.


New member
Has anyone ran 100mg Test P EOD for the first few weeks of a cycle on top of a 750mg test e cycle, also while taking Tbol or DBol????

that would make your first few weeks over 1 gram of test?

has anyone done this and what was their experience.
i have. had no issues.

that being said, your question is vague.

matters how much AI you use.
matters if tbol or dbol
matters how many weeks of test p
okay. lets say Tbol.

week 1-6 Test P. 100mg EOD
week 1-6 Tbol 40Mg ED
week 1-12 Test E 750mg per week

and lets say we have plenty of adex, aromasin and letro on deck for AI.

just something im thinking of trying for my next cycle. adding in the prop on top of TBol for a kickstarter.
well if it's a kick start, i'd only run the test p for weeks 1-4.

a gram of test isn't that much, heck 2 weeks ago before coming off test I was on test c 600mg/wk and test p 450mg/wk.

but then, my AI dosage was 0.5mg EoD of adex.

What would you be running your AI at?
yeah that's what I figured. I would probably be running adex as well at .5 EOD. or .25mg ED and then adjust from there depending on sides and such.

im going to give it a try. just wanted to see if anyone else had any experiences with stacking all 3 like that.
tbol won't cause you any issues at that dose, unless heart burn or any other type issues affect u.

Otherwise, just be sure you can run 1g test. If you've only run 500mg before, 1g can be quite a new issue.
nah im actually not really prone to side effects. (so far)

no better way to find out if I can handle a gram than to give it a try.

also ill only run the prop for the first 4 weeks.
I don't like "kickstarts". It makes managing estradiol too hard. You will need a different AI dose each of the first four weeks and it sounds like you have no idea how much.

If you want a fast start just run a short ester the entire time.

Everyone gets side effects. You may just not be noticing them.