test e/dbol/armidex m first cycle


New member
Testestorone cypionate 500mg/week

week 1-10

Dianabol (Dbol) 20mg/day

week 1-4


week 1-4 1mg/day,
week 4-10 0.5mg/day


21 years old

If my diet and training are great!

Hey guys is this a good cycle? any changes to this cycle? how much will I be expected to gain? lean muscle? and fat?
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According to my calculator, you should get a net gain of lean muscle around 15.4pounds(after pct) and only 3.2pound of fat.

Now on the other hand, you should run 12 weeks test cyp and lower your Adex dosage by half(if not more, 1mg is way too much). This would gives you 3 more pound of muscle and 1 more pount of fat.

Oh and get a proper PCT.

What's your BF% at?
Why run a cycle at 21? your natty test with a good diet should give you some great results. IMO you should wait few years, but if gona do it anyway, I bump the d-bol 30 to 50mgs a day, 20mg is too low. Then tod36 point something very important 1mg daily of adex is to way high cause your estro will get too low. I said .5 eod, if need it them bump it. 12 weeks will be better instead of 10 wks. What is your PCT? you will be pin twice a week right?? the more stats and info you provide the more help we can provide to you.