Test E/ Dbol cycle


I have been doing research for about a year into what my first cycle should be and this is it. The first week I did not notice anything as to be expected except the water weight gain beginning about the fifth day. On the start of my second week though man o man did the dbol kick in. I was throwing weight around no problem. I have NEVER had bicep pump or soreness EVER. Today I had so much pump I could have saved three lives haha, I couldn't believe it. I am up about 10 pounds mostly water I am sure but I feel great!!!!

My first cycle:

Week 1-10: Mon. 250 Test/500 HCG
Thurs. 250 Test/500 HCG

Week 1-4: 50mg Dbol ED

Week 10-11: 1000 iu HCG ED

Week 1-12: Adex .5mg EOD

PCT: Start 2 weeks after last injection
Clomid: 300mg 1st day, 100mg for 10 days, 50mg for 10 days
Nolva: 40mg ED for 10 days, 20mg for remaining 11 days

My Stats:
Age: 32
History: 10 yrs lifting, 3 yrs seriously
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 240 lbs
BF%: 28
Calorie intake: 3500-4000
Cardio: 30 min/day

I have gone from 42% bf to 28% in about a year after I finally got my diet in check. My goal is to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 20% by May 2012. Wish me luck!!!!
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your post cycle therapy (pct) seems a bit out of the ordinary.

Run it @ cloimd -50,50,50,25,25
nolva 20,20,20,10,10

That will be fine.

Most will say your BF% is too high. This increases the amount oif estrogen receptors in the body, which increases your risk of exp estrogenic sides. You have the adex so hopefully that should do what you want it too.

What test you running? Enan,cyp?
you could also run a liver sup like liv52 during the dbol peroid, its not a must but it will aid in detoxing the liver and kidneys to reduce toxicity.
Up another 2 pounds this week. My strength gains are going through the roof, I hope I can keep 75% of this.
Should I start my cutting diet at the start of PCT or after I have finished PCT?

long after post cycle therapy (pct). wait till you're recovered then try to cut. it would probably be a better idea to cut while on your test and then if anything up your cals in post cycle therapy (pct). esp if you're trying to cut fat still. you might even add some mass with the added test.
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