Test E, Deca, Dbol cycle, help please!


New member
I have on hand 3 bottles of test250, deca300, and waiting on some deca to come in. This is my third cycle. First was test prop tren (low dose and a friend advised this was a great combo) Second was 600mg prop only. This will be my third. I haven't used any other supps, just the juice only and luckily I have gotten by without gyno. I know i was dumb for not doing my research properly, so this time I am making damn sure I have all my ducks in a row before starting this cycle. Negative comments can be held and given to someone who gives a f***, thankyou im just looking for help from people who want to actually give advice.


Wk 1-10 test @ 750mgs/wk
Wk 1-10 deca @ 600mgs/wk
Wk 1-4 dbol @ 40mg/wk

What I am unsure of is what AI's to run and anything else needed to run this cycle with the max benefits and no gyno (obviously)

PCT I usually use nolva and clomid. However, I have read not to use nolva with 19-nor AAS. So any advice for this particular cycle would be greatly appreciated, it is a very vague rough draft. Please feel free to PM me to help find some of the AI's.
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I have similar stats 32yo 6ft 214lbs 14%
(I'm bulking tho tdee 3000-3500 and I'm trying for 4000-4500 calories a day)

I'm doing a similar cycle but with cyp and npp (600/600) I'm on week 5, first week with out dbol at 40mg pwo and let me tell you. I miss it already.

I'm sure someone will point out you need to run test 2/3 weeks past the deca to let it clear.

As for an ai you have a few options, the most popular being Adex and aromasin dosing will vary.

It may seem like a lot but I'd say grab some caber (or prami-caber first choice) and take .5 e3d just to be safe since the dbol will raise estrogen and by the time you pan out a good dose your levels could already be sky high and prolactin levels could jump, leading to gyno( or in my case; sensitive nipples and lactating)

Someone may point out to use hcg also which can also cause some estrogen problems, but will keep your boys hanging low and make recovery easier.

Maybe some liver supper supps;cycle support, nac etc.

All of this is what makes running cycles fun having all these variables while trying to maintain some stability.
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I'm in no position to advise anyone as I'm only into my 3rd cycle myself and I feel people should research and make their own decisions.
So what I like to do with gym/ology buddies is link them stickies from ology and make suggestions.
Seems like your already on the right path tho.

Oh and one thing I noticed is I had higher expectations of npp but since my last cycle was tren.
Try not to base your progress and results off of that cycle or you may be disappointed.
Aka lower your expectations lol

Last thing cuz I'm kinda rambling.
Is this a bulk?
If so what kinda calories you gonna be eating?
What's your tdee?
How's your diet looking now?