I have on hand 3 bottles of test250, deca300, and waiting on some deca to come in. This is my third cycle. First was test prop tren (low dose and a friend advised this was a great combo) Second was 600mg prop only. This will be my third. I haven't used any other supps, just the juice only and luckily I have gotten by without gyno. I know i was dumb for not doing my research properly, so this time I am making damn sure I have all my ducks in a row before starting this cycle. Negative comments can be held and given to someone who gives a f***, thankyou im just looking for help from people who want to actually give advice.
Wk 1-10 test @ 750mgs/wk
Wk 1-10 deca @ 600mgs/wk
Wk 1-4 dbol @ 40mg/wk
What I am unsure of is what AI's to run and anything else needed to run this cycle with the max benefits and no gyno (obviously)
PCT I usually use nolva and clomid. However, I have read not to use nolva with 19-nor AAS. So any advice for this particular cycle would be greatly appreciated, it is a very vague rough draft. Please feel free to PM me to help find some of the AI's.
Wk 1-10 test @ 750mgs/wk
Wk 1-10 deca @ 600mgs/wk
Wk 1-4 dbol @ 40mg/wk
What I am unsure of is what AI's to run and anything else needed to run this cycle with the max benefits and no gyno (obviously)
PCT I usually use nolva and clomid. However, I have read not to use nolva with 19-nor AAS. So any advice for this particular cycle would be greatly appreciated, it is a very vague rough draft. Please feel free to PM me to help find some of the AI's.