I think cutting the deca two weeks early is critical. I've seen too many PCTs just not work properly with a nadrolone in the system.
You could tradition the deca over to NPP as the cycle progresses to stop the test and nandrolone at the same time.
450mg of deca (roughly an I mean roughly equivalent to 400mg of NPP) doesn't translate into all that many CCs per week of NPP even if it was only dosed at 100mg/ml so you wouldn't be a pin cushion.
Here are a couple of comparison charts. First off Test E at 600 mg/wk 2x/wk with 10 day half life gives blood level of ~85.7 on this chart. Second Deca at 450 mg/wk 2x/wk with 14 day half life is ~63.7.
For comparison 100 mg/wk Test gives level of ~14.2 - I use this figure to see how far down you need to bleed off your hormones before your body would start to sense it needs to make Test again. Above that figure you are supraphysiological and your hypothalamus will not sense it needs to make any GRH's. Taking clomid and nolva blunts that to some degree, that's why you see high early clomid doses in most PCT plans, but I still think it is better to have low hormones when you start PCT to have the best chance to recover.
First chart shows both Test E and Deca stopping together in week #10. You can see it takes until week #15-1/2 to bleed down to ~14 ish. So about 5-1/2 weeks after last shot to pass below where you might start making natural test again. If you started your PCT 4 weeks after last shot and ran it total 6 weeks, that would probably work pretty well. You would want to be taking high clomid doses those first two weeks of PCT, since your would still be supraphysiological, to try to trick your HPTA into releasing GRH's.
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Second chart shows Test E stopping week #10 and Deca stopping week #8. You can see it bleeds down to ~14 ish by week #14-1/2.
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So stopping deca early gives you about a week advantage on PCT.
You would be better off if you ran your test four weeks past stopping deca, or even better off switching to shorter esters near the end of your cycle.
I hope showing these graphs sheds some light on why waiting 2 weeks post last shot, then doing a 4 week PCT, would likely fail in this case. The whole time taking PCT drugs your hormone levels would be too high to trigger your HPTA back into action. Not saying you would do that, but we see it all the time on these threads.