Test - E, Deca, Dbol Cycle Questions


New member
Hey guys,

This is my first post on the site, and I decided that instead of reading other peoples stacks and piecing it together with what I had in mind I would post mine and see what people thought. Thanks in advance guys.

22 years Old,
215lbs @ 12%bf (roughly)
Lifting 3 years
Already have done previous "beginner" cycles
Diet, and training are in order

Now onto the stack:
1-14 600mg test-e
1-12 300mg deca
1-5 50mg ED dbol

1-16 12.5mg ED Aromasin OR 1-16 25mg EOD Arimidex

5-16 250 IU E3D HCG

17-18 40mg ED Nolva
19-20 20mg ED Nolva

Major concern with the stack is the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), will the amount and used, and duration throught the cycle suffice? Any comments, or alterations are greatly appreciated..

Thanks guys.
Are you gonna be using caber or prami? I assume you mean .25mg on the adex. Might want to watch that especially with dbol. I would add clomid to your pct if you're wanting the best chance for a full recovery
Yeah 0.25mg of adex. And I wasn't planning on running caber or prami. I've read a lot of mixed reviews of them being beneficial at all.
Hey guys,

Sorry for the late response, I'm 5'10". And is the adex and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) really worth it?