Test E/ Deca


Just getting warmed up
Just moving this over from another post.
Currently starting week 2:
Week's 1-10
Test E 250 twice a week
Deca 200 a week
HCG 500 IU's twice a week
Weeks 11-20
Winny 50mg a day

with 1mg anastrozole twice a week for whole cycle
5'9 and weigh about 165 currently. I would guess my BF% is ~14-15%. I will go in for testing on strength in a week or so and again at the end. I will post info then and weekly weight/strength gains as well. The test is very comprehensive and does everything from balance, lactic thresh holds, VO2 max, anaerobic power, and strength/power.

Second week first injection went just fine. I find that for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500IU an insulin needle works best. Test and deca (same needle @ 23 gauge to pull and 20.5 to inject) went fine. I pushed onto a nerve with felt AWESOME!!!! Pulled out and re-stuck (glute). I need to get over going slow and just put it in faster I think. As soon as I clear sub q no pain. Funny I can give myself and IV with no problems but not with the needle in the but.
Can't really say i feel any different really. I was exhausted the last few days but also got a flew shot which may have been part of it. I couldn't sleep last night but still feel great today. I started a blog on daily plate in case anyone wants to see that. I can also post my workouts if anyone cares. I will say that my workouts will upset some (a lot of cardio). However, I will imagine not a lot of people lift the way I do either (good periodization, and a lot of power lifting for strength and power endurance). I am lucky enough to work with professional strength coaches (power lifting, running, etc...) as well as nutritionists which is really nice.
Anyway, will begin to post everday with caloric count and workouts if people want. I will also do weekly measurements and weight.
So today's workout is as follows:
Warmed up using dynamic movements and PVC snatch movements

Hang Snatch
10 @ bar (45)
5 @ 65
5 @ 75
5 @ 85
4 @ 95
4 @ 105
3 @ 115

Squat Jumps: (full squat breaking 90 deg, and exploding up jumping as high as you can)
5 @ 95
5 @ 105
5 @ 115
5 @ 125
4 @ 135

Heavy bag carries up a flight of stairs (21 steps)
did this 10 times running up and walking down no break

Finished with a rope climbing machine at setting 4
1 minute on 1 off, 45 on 45 off, 30 on 30

5 mile run at 9/mile pace (not too fast for me)

That was the workout for today. It seems different than I am sure what most are doing however, with that my goals are to be stronger with more power but still able to carry 100 pounds up a mountain and have the endurance to make it quickly. I realize that I might hinder size by doing the cardio but i will take the ability over not being able to over some size. That's just me though.
o i did my 4th shot this am, 500IU of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 250 test e. Test went into leg this time. Got a little more balls with the injection this time and went fast. Felt a lot better compared to going slow. However, for whatever reason my leg jumped. Didn't hurt like a nerve hit though, just more like a reflex. Not that it felt great either. This was the first time I did thigh however, it was a lot easier than the glute. Going to get a weigh in today at the gym. However I did feel good yesterday when a friend I haven't seen in a month or so asked if I had put some size on. Not sure what to say or if it was just one of those things because it has only been a few weeks. All and all though I will take it positively mentally. Will update with weight later.
Forgot to weigh myself. Not a habit that I have. Not sure if I have gained weight but my max pull ups were down a little but they seemed more fluid at the same time if that makes sense. My hang clean seemed up as well. Especially since I did a good pool workout this morning and now I have gone from sea level to altitude ~4400ft for a day.
I did a 4 miler when I arrived last night and was extremely surprised at my pace... 7:40 for the whole thing. It's not a crazy pace for me but for being on a plane all day and then going to altitude I was quite happy. I got the burning feeling due to lack of oxygen but it seemed easier than ever to just push through. Anyway, that's that for now. I will post more later.
So here's today's workout (BW +165):
Warm up:
Max pull ups at BW: 29
Max Push Ups 3 min: 82 (chest hits ground, locks out on top)
Max sit ups 3 min: 110 (should blades hit ground elbows touch elbows from behind ears)

Hang Power Cleans:
115 x 8, 135 x 5, 135 x 5, 145 x 4, 165 x 3, 170 x 2
Deadlift 135 x 15, 185 x 12, 225 x 6, 315 x 4, 385 x 2, 405 x 2
I think I could have got 415 which would be a new pr, next time for sure
Standing press with bar
115 x 8, 135 x 4, 155 x 2, 170 x 1(PR)
Weighted Pull ups
25 lb plate x 10, 45 x 4, 45 x 3, 55 x 1

Weighted dips:
BW x 20, 45 x 10, 90 x 5, 90 x 5, 100 x 2 (PR)

30 minutes bike cool down/ cardio level 10 rpm 88-96, about 9 miles.
test e/deca

Today's workout:
Dynamic movement/active warmup

Over Head Squats 115 x 8, 115 x 8, 115 x 8
Hang Clean Pull 185 x 4, 185 x 4, 185 x 4, 185 x 4
Flat bench 165 x 8, 165 x 8, 165 x 8
Squat (with bands slow down explode through to finish) 185 x 8, 185 x 8, 185 x 8
Glute Ham Developer with 60 lb dumbell
3 sets of 8
Ground Base circuit 30 sec on:15 sec rest 2 complete rounds
Felt strong but am definitely getting tired.
Today's workout:
Regular grip pull ups 2-10-1 (pyramid)
Reverse Grip 2-10-2
Close grip 2-10-2
wide grip 2-10-2
towel pull ups 2-10-2
2 minutes max push ups
2 minutes max sit ups
Can one of the moderators please tell me where my messages were moved to and why? I assumed this was the correct forum for this
So I finally weighed myself. The scale said 170. Puts me up about 6-8 pounds. Not sure if that is normal for the cycle and two weeks in, normal or a combination.
I would like to gain another 10lbs but lose about 5% BF.
Diets good for the most part which is new to me so that should give pretty good results as well. My cardio is down but will get back to that as well. However, when I say cardio down it's still more than most. I do at least an hour a day and a longer one on a weekend. I like to do a 2-3 hour run on the weekend doing 20 minutes on and 5-10 minutes walking depending on the total time. The 20 minutes on would be at my ultra pace so 10-12 minute miles.
Good log. You need to get an Avatar!
How old are you?
Is this your first cycle?
I not sure I am reading this correctly, is this a 20 week cycle with test all 20 weeks or only the first 10?
The Winstrol (winny) is 50mg per day for weeks 11-20? If so, that sounds like a long time and I imagine your joints will be hating the Winstrol (winny) mixed with all the cardio
I'm 29 y/o. This is my second cycle. The first one I did a few years ago. It was just a primo cycle.
I will be doing test for test e, deca, HCG, anastrozole for the first 10 weeks then the Winstrol (winny) for 10 while staying on anastrozole for the whole 20.
I almost thing I would be better using anavar instead for the last part. I actually know a guy that was on a very similar one and it did very well for him. That was my big reason for considering it with it's length. Just starting week three today so see how I feel in 7 more weeks really. I can always take a few months off and run the Winstrol (winny) before summer.
Took my shots again this morning. I stuck with the 23 for the pull and the injection. No issues at all really. Went for more of a stabbing technique this time instead of a slow push. The smaller needle definitely made it hurt less. I also went back to the glutes. The residual pain that stayed for a few days in my thigh just didn't seem worth it. Especially since I do not have a problem shooting in the glute.
I'm traveling today so it's off. Good though because I am fried from yesterday's pull up workout. I ended up doing a few sets of incline as well as a 30 minute all out cardio. Definitely feeling it and a rest day will be good.
Question... with what I'm on was the 6-8 lb gain normal for 2 weeks. Taking into effect the fact that I went from no diet to a pretty strict one?
I would say that weight gain is normal, likely water weight. 2 weeks after you stop the Test, then you need to start PCT (nolva, clomid etc) so that your body will resume natural test production. I think running the Winstrol once you are off Test, is going to cause you to not recover. 11 weeks is a long time for an oral anyway. Just my 2 cents, maybe some else here could chime in with suggestions.
yeah any info would be great. Will post workout shortly. Feeling like crap though and might take the day off from working out. we will see.
oh yeah, the Winstrol (winny) I have isn't a pill. it's a tab that dissolves under the tongue. Still goes through the liver obviously but it was designed for use minimal liver damage. Or so the doctor said that I spoke with about it.
Shot today, this makes week 3.5. Will post weight gain and workout later. Thursday was travel day, friday I was exhausted. My body just felt wrecked so I took friday off, Saturday was just a long run and sunday's I always take off.
Today should be a sprint workout and a strength endurance workout session.
So here is today's workout:
Am: Filthy Fifty
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
This is done as fast as possible, My time was 22:15

Then about two hours later I did my run. Typically I usually wait three hours between workouts. This is because of cortisol, test recovery, and recovery. Plus for nutritional reasons as well. I missed it due to work but here was my run workout:
800m warm up
4 x 1000m sprints at about 185-190 BPM
3:40, 3:48, 3:51, 3:49

Nutrition was pretty good, I did however have a soda after the run for the sugar.
Had a difficult time getting out of bed yesterday and have been very lethargic the past few days. I think I am pushing my limits on working out and cardio. I took yesterday off for that reason. Felt tired this morning but will get a solid deadlift workout later. Will post more then.
I agree, came to that decision an hour ago. I feel better now but I have burned out before. I will take another day off and start up again tomorrow. I did notice something though... seemed like my weight was up, really looked like it was just my body kind of crashing. I looked a little bloated in the midsection. This seems to happen when I overtrain (which I do often due to my job). Is this normal? After a day or two off it seems like I have weight loss real quick. Is that a normal thing with overtraining?
So did another set of shots today. Went easy, the more you do it the easier it gets I suppose.
Due to weather my workouts were smashed together. I did feel good after taking a few days off though. Woke up refreshed and hit it pretty well I think.
Started with a power cycle workout out. Did heavy resistance on a trainer for 6on:3off, 4:2, 2:1, 1: 30sec, 30:15, 15on and a cool down to finish.
Five minutes off and:
power snatches:
10 at bar
5 x 95
3 x 105
3 x 105
1 x 115
1 x 125
1 x 135 (fail)

5 minute rest
tabata (20 seconds on 10 seconds off for 4 minutes)
alternating between ring push ups, and pull ups.
This is pretty much just an all out anaerobic power exercise. I do them a lot on rowers, bikes, running and BW exercises. You will be amazed how well they do.

That's it for today. Didn't get to eat as much as I would have liked to so far but I want quality of quantity going into the body. So I will wait before I go and grab a snickers... thank god for zone bars though.
A burpee is an exercise that goes like this:
From standing you drop to the floor into a push up position, do a single pushup, legs come to hands and then you spring up (jump) as high as you can. this can be done with dumbbells as well.

Saturday's workout was as follows:
Power plate warm up followed by dynamic movement prep and stretching.

5 rounds for time:
push jerk with 95lb x 15
L pull ups using gymnast rings x 10

took me 10:08 and I was on the floor exhausted.

Rested about 5 minutes
Concept 2 rower:
2 minutes on 1 minute off for three sets with it set on 5 (draft)

20 minutes treadmill with 30lb vest 15% incline at 2.5-3 speed setting.

10 minute rest:
225 deadlift 10-1 pyramid with 90 second rest in between.

Was suppose to finish with heavy bag stair sprints but just didn't have anything left in the tank so that was it for the day.

Did not eat enough during the day but wasn't completely sure if I should make it up at night, I didn't really. Prior to bed had a muscle milk for the extra everything.
So I completely realize that my workouts must look atrocious to some people. I realize that what I do won't make me massive. However, that really isn't my goal. I really only want to put on about 10 pounds of lean muscle in the end. That's really it, with that though I want the strength gains. I am definitely seeing them already which is nice. The fact is that my job requires me to one day carry a hundred pounds in the mountains and the next have to run 2 miles in the mountains with 20, or hike for multiple days. I am really about an all round program that will allow me to complete an ultra marathon, yet be able to clean my body weight plus. Just wanted to explain where I am coming from for anyone who is reading and saying I will never put on 20++ pounds with the way I workout.