Not my first cycle, but by far the biggest I've cared to do.
Week 1-16 250mg Test-E/3 days
Week 1-16 300mg Eq/3 days
Week 10-16 100mg Winny/ed
Week 18&19 40mg nolva
Week 20&21 20mg nolva
Around week 4, I want to incorporate .5mg eod of arimidex as I am very gyno prone. (Already had the surgery once)
I have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and want to use it later in the cycle to get recovery going ASAP, but not clear on when exactly to use it. I'd like a little help in this area.
I've also considered front loading the Eq to stabilize the blood levels faster. Thoughts?
Comments and criticisms welcome! Thanks in advance!
Week 1-16 250mg Test-E/3 days
Week 1-16 300mg Eq/3 days
Week 10-16 100mg Winny/ed
Week 18&19 40mg nolva
Week 20&21 20mg nolva
Around week 4, I want to incorporate .5mg eod of arimidex as I am very gyno prone. (Already had the surgery once)
I have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and want to use it later in the cycle to get recovery going ASAP, but not clear on when exactly to use it. I'd like a little help in this area.
I've also considered front loading the Eq to stabilize the blood levels faster. Thoughts?
Comments and criticisms welcome! Thanks in advance!