Test E/ Masteron First cycle, kinda


New member
I'd like to hear some thought on my cycle, but first a little background. I am 23 6'2" 225 16% bf. I have been working out since freshmen year of high school, I played college football and have never took consecutive months off of lifting since I started, while some may have been slugish. My current lifts are Bench Press ~ 315lbs Squat ~ 450lbs Hang Clean ~ 275lbs (I no longer play sports, I just love this lift). When I was 20 and when I was 21 I took some anavar that I cam across for 40mg ed for about 6 weeks. Now I am serious about a cycle and this is what my plan is:

Test E
Week 1-8 @ 315 mg (225mg every 5 days)
Week 4-8 @ 70 mg EoD
-I have nova and Adex handy for pct and sides.

I am Hoping to put on about 15lbs of clean weight and end up 240lbs 16-17%bf. I would like my lifts to increase about 10% (ie. 350 bench, squat 500 clean 315). Hopefully keep most of the strength and about 10lbs of LBM. Thoughts? Am I realistic?
well I currently hold 2500mgs of test and 1000mgs of masteron, it is all I could obtain for several months. so would it be better 250@10 weeks?