Hello everybody! id like to start by saying my name is Luke, im 24 (25 in 2 months) and im 6ft and weigh 83kg, ive been lifting for 5 years now and have made some good gains over the years with protein shakes, creatine and of course alot of food! but i felt last year that i had hit a big Plataeu and thought id probally reached my genetic potential! so i thought about using steroids, because all i really want in life is to be huge! haha like everyone here i guess, its somthing i felt i should always do in life and by not following my dream i feel as if im letting myself down, im not one of these people who flame steroid users, because ive done the research ive seen the people in the gym and the legends on the videos, people use steroids to gain the body theyve always dreamt of once they feel they cannot physically go any further because for some its not genetically possible, but i really dislike the people that see the calvin klein models or the althletes and one day think ''oh i want to be like that'' and think that just chucking gear into their body is the way forward, i understand that steroids should only be used by mature adults (24+) with the drive and determination to stick at somthing they love! because afterall bodybuilding is a drug! as you will all proablly agree its addictive and you grow to love the gym, its not a chore or even a hobby going to the gym after a few years its a lifestyle that you live by! anyways i felt last year that i wanted to try steroids but obviously the side effects and damage they do to your body was putting me off so i decided not to!, then a few more months down the line i decided, you only live once, i dont want to get to 30 odd and wish i had just tried them because that would just make me feel even worse! so after doing alot of research i thought about taking oral steroids (you all know the ones ) because i was being a noob and a fanny i though hell no im never gona inject thats just mental stuff!, but after alot more research im really glad i never chose to use the orals becuase of the damage they do, really the way i see it is, they are just a pussys way out (sorry for you guys who stack esters with orals, im not aiming that at you!) because its for people who are to scared to inject but still want to take steroids, so they'd rather take a pill which is going to damage your body a hell of a lot, than do it the proper way, and dont get me wrong i was in the same mind frame but im just glad i saw the light before i did those orals! anyways after alot moreeee research i decided that injectables was definatly the way forward and i think i can benifit massively from a cycle because i have the dedication in the gym, i dont drink anymore and i can eat like an absolute beast! lol but it was hard for me because to tell you the truth i am quite scared of needles and im not really looking forward to the jabs, i would be lying if i said i wasent! but i think for me its showing myself that i have the dedication to overcome my fears in order to achieve the body i want!, anyway ive probally bored you enough with all this talk! but id like to say ive read all the stickys in the newbies forum and can say without sounding bigheaded i knew pretty much everything you were talking about! due to years of research! now onto my cycle plans!...
i know i think ive got it all planned out! and nothing can possibally go wrong haha but everybody is different and peoples bodys react differently to different compounds so who knows i could have the perfect cycle and still get bad sides or none at all! anyways heres how it looks
1 week pre-load supps
(hawthawn berry, MT, and multivits throughout also maybe some vit b6) i dont think all this is necessary but because its my first cycle i dont want to chance anything, id rather give my body everything it needs to function optimally whilst on cycle!
weeks 1 - 10, 500mg test E (i was thinking about doing 11 or 12 weeks, or starting on 250mg for first week then boosting up to 500mg for the rest or doing the last few at 650mg things like this, or kick starting the test with dbol, but im just going to keep it completly simple and stick with 500mg throughout!)
then 2 weeks after my last pin start post cycle therapy (pct) which will be 50mg of clomid for 18 days (i also have nolva if im not getting on with the clomid, although il probally just deal with it!, whats the deal with swapping serms halfway through by the way!? and il also have a natty test booster shall i start this the day after last pin or the day i start post cycle therapy (pct)? i know i should know this but just being getting mixed opinions recently!)
now the only thing im not sure about is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) whilst on cycle because ive heard so many different things, would you recommend maybe half a dose of aromasin every 3 days? or every 2 days maybe? and when would i start this? maybe like week 5 or 6? or just straight from the beggining of the cycle?!
thanks for taking the time to read through my post, and i hope you can help!
i know i think ive got it all planned out! and nothing can possibally go wrong haha but everybody is different and peoples bodys react differently to different compounds so who knows i could have the perfect cycle and still get bad sides or none at all! anyways heres how it looks
1 week pre-load supps
(hawthawn berry, MT, and multivits throughout also maybe some vit b6) i dont think all this is necessary but because its my first cycle i dont want to chance anything, id rather give my body everything it needs to function optimally whilst on cycle!
weeks 1 - 10, 500mg test E (i was thinking about doing 11 or 12 weeks, or starting on 250mg for first week then boosting up to 500mg for the rest or doing the last few at 650mg things like this, or kick starting the test with dbol, but im just going to keep it completly simple and stick with 500mg throughout!)
then 2 weeks after my last pin start post cycle therapy (pct) which will be 50mg of clomid for 18 days (i also have nolva if im not getting on with the clomid, although il probally just deal with it!, whats the deal with swapping serms halfway through by the way!? and il also have a natty test booster shall i start this the day after last pin or the day i start post cycle therapy (pct)? i know i should know this but just being getting mixed opinions recently!)
now the only thing im not sure about is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) whilst on cycle because ive heard so many different things, would you recommend maybe half a dose of aromasin every 3 days? or every 2 days maybe? and when would i start this? maybe like week 5 or 6? or just straight from the beggining of the cycle?!
thanks for taking the time to read through my post, and i hope you can help!