Test E only cycle (500mg/week) Underdosed??


New member
Hey guys, Im currently wrapping up my 3rd week on this cycle (my very first cycle). Have injected 6 times so far. (Mon/Fri)

Starting stats:

22 years old. 168lb, 12-13% BF

Current stats (3 weeks in): 173lb, 12% BF

I've definitely noticed.. something.. I've gone up 5 pounds, and overall look slightly leaner as well. Definitely looking tighter, slightly fuller, delts are popping out and giving that triangular 3D look and that was never there before I started my cycle. No side effects yet. No libido increase (at least that I've taken a note of), no acne, no nipple sensitivity, etc etc.

Only thing is- my strength is a bit odd. I feel as if I should be noticing a lot more strength gains, and that hasn't been the case. My strength HAS gone up in most of my lifts, but not that significantly.

Or maybe I'm just expecting too much from just 3 weeks in? I will be having bloods in a week and a half so that should determine whether its under dosed or not.
It's only been three weeks, give it time. If you're noticing anything already, that's a good start. Test E can take time to get rolling.
I see. I thought so but I feel as if 3 weeks should be the point where it should be a bit noticeable, consdering I'm on a 10 week cycle, I just want to gain gain gain as much as possible lol.

P.s Diet is on point. 3,000 calories a day. CLEAN. proteins at 220grams, 55grams fat, rest is carbs.
I have 5 years of solid training under my belt. Started when I was 17 and have been going consistently since then. Diet sucked the first 4 years, and its been a full year since I track my macros and eat well/ clean. I started at 125lb soaking wet, so I have a solid foundation to work with
3 weeks in... Enanthate ester... 5lbs gain.... no mention of AI being used....

I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but I'd say you've gained some water weight from aromatization.

You'll normally see the positive effects of Enan and Cyp after 3/4 weeks - so it's possibly a placebo effect, or possible that you've simply upped your game in the gym and your diet knowing you're 'on cycle'.

FWIW: You're too young to cycle... but you've started already so I'm not farting into the wind for no good reason.
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aromosin has a fairly short half life and should be dosed eod. Good luck with your cycle and I hope you have your pct ready and recover well.
IMO you're too young to be using aas, so I hope you haven't damaged your hpta too bad
Wow we have the same stats and history. I'm on my 4th week of Test E 600mg and EQ 600 mg every 3.5 days. I also am experiencing a leaner look and wicked pumps. My vascularity is up from the EQ. I have not gained any weight. I am running exemestane 12.5 mg daily. No sides, oily skin maybe. My libido is up. Are you running HCG? My cycle is 12 weeks. I am 25 at 175 lbs, 5 years ago I was also 125lbs. I feel like my AI is under dosed and im about to double it. Im ordering more this week but won't increase dosage until shipment is confirmed. Keep me updated, I'd like to see how your cycle turns out.
3 weeks in... Enanthate ester... 5lbs gain.... no mention of AI being used....

I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but I'd say you've gained some water weight from aromatization.

You'll normally see the positive effects of Enan and Cyp after 3/4 weeks - so it's possibly a placebo effect, or possible that you've simply upped your game in the gym and your diet knowing you're 'on cycle'.

FWIW: You're too young to cycle... but you've started already so I'm not farting into the wind for no good reason.

Welcome :wavey:
This all the way ^^^^^ . Yep too young...done Test E for me doesn't really KICK in with my strength gain until week 4-5. IMOP 3 weeks is way too early. AS stated you have gained some water weight which is OK and normal for everyone. Remember as far as gaining LMM you can only gain 5-15/20 lbs in a whole year. You young at 22yrs can gain towards the max. So think about that and know that this is water. Good Luck and I hope it all works out and no detriment to your endo system, being so young.

PS: to all the newbies and OP.... please always tell us everything you are taking so we don't start to figure things like what about AI's and such. When you post, then we are ALL on the Same Page. Thanks
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You shoulda came here like 4 weeks ago and told us you have this wild idea of running a steroid cycle. Then asked us what we thought about it and asked for some guidance.
But....too late for that as you have already pulled the pin.
Like stated above, I hope you have your pct ready for when it time to come off(back to reality).
Ugh, so much negativity towards my age. Believe me I completely understand. I know I'm young, and would never consider. But I need to. I'm only doing it for competing, and unfortunately, I need to be at par with the other physique guys on stage. Bottom line is, I want to compete, its just everything to me. And aside from that, I would never consider for any other reason otherwise. Hope that sheds some light on why I'm on. Regardless, you don't have to agree. Some people want different things, and this is just what I want. It's my goal, and I just have to do whats necessary.

@ClarkFit - I'll keep you posted on how the cycle turns out

My shoulders are getting much rounder, and developing that 3-D look. My back is also stronger, pushing more weight for sure. Only thing lagging really is my chest and legs. Hopefully this week (week 4), I start noticing some more strength gains.
Yeah, my back was ripped before cycle. My chest and legs are what needs attention and gains are showing in the chest.
If you have enough after bloods see where your at. Since your natty test levels are high already you might only notice more with more gear. My natty test level was in the upper 700's this reinforced my decision you run 1.2 g a week