Hey everyone, this will be a long post but that's due to all of the questions I have from the bit of researching I've done.
Option 1:
Test E 500mg weekly split into two doses weeks 1-12
Hcg 250iu twice weekly weeks 1-12
Arimidex on standby. .25mg eod when itchy nips occur
PCT weeks 14-17:
Nolva 40/40/20/2
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Questions on this cycle, should Arimidex be used from week one until the ester is out of your system (week 14) or should you start a couple weeks into it and stop at week 12 when you stop taking the test?
Option 2:
Weeks 1-8 Turanabol 40mg going up to 60mg every day
Weeks 1-8 Arimidex on standby. .25mg eod when itchy nips occur
Liver protectors week 1-8
Taurine on standby for pumps
PCT weeks 14-17:
Nolva 40/40/20/2
Clomid 100/100/50/50
The reason I consider an oral cycle is because I've seen logs with people gaining 8-12lb of retainable gains with no sides due to no aromatization. On one side, people who ran tbol alone say they did not get shut down and on the other side, people say never to run an oral alone because it WILL shut you down.
I wanted to dip my feet into AAS slowly, test e I reckon would give 15-20lb of gains so I figured since tbol is milder, it'd be a good way to start. I'm 20 years old (a few years too early) so I didn't want to use any test.
Any advice on which cycle I should run and whether any changes are necessary? Thanks!
Option 1:
Test E 500mg weekly split into two doses weeks 1-12
Hcg 250iu twice weekly weeks 1-12
Arimidex on standby. .25mg eod when itchy nips occur
PCT weeks 14-17:
Nolva 40/40/20/2
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Questions on this cycle, should Arimidex be used from week one until the ester is out of your system (week 14) or should you start a couple weeks into it and stop at week 12 when you stop taking the test?
Option 2:
Weeks 1-8 Turanabol 40mg going up to 60mg every day
Weeks 1-8 Arimidex on standby. .25mg eod when itchy nips occur
Liver protectors week 1-8
Taurine on standby for pumps
PCT weeks 14-17:
Nolva 40/40/20/2
Clomid 100/100/50/50
The reason I consider an oral cycle is because I've seen logs with people gaining 8-12lb of retainable gains with no sides due to no aromatization. On one side, people who ran tbol alone say they did not get shut down and on the other side, people say never to run an oral alone because it WILL shut you down.
I wanted to dip my feet into AAS slowly, test e I reckon would give 15-20lb of gains so I figured since tbol is milder, it'd be a good way to start. I'm 20 years old (a few years too early) so I didn't want to use any test.
Any advice on which cycle I should run and whether any changes are necessary? Thanks!