Test E, Tren A, Arimidex Cycle


New member
I have been following your guys threads for a couple years now and I need some advice on this cycle. I have read threads up and down on a variety of sites and I cannot decide fully on how to take this cycle correctly for maximal benefits of "cutting" during the cycle. I will post my stats and catch you guys up to where I am at currently:
Age: 26
Height: 6'4
Weight: 260lbs
Body Type: Athletic build
Years Lifting: Going on my 8th year of attentive workout regiment, 5-6 days per week
Cycle History: 1st: Sust 250 (12 weeks) no PCT. 2nd: Sust 250 and Dbol (10 weeks) PCT Nolvadex, 3rd: Test A and Tren A, No PCT and finally #4th: Test E, Tren A, Arimidex on hand
**I know the effects and stupidity of not having done PCT after cycles 1 and 3 and I wont explain myself on it since now I absolutely have done the necessary research on the PCT and why it is important. I have also suffered a horrible case of gyno from my cycles and paid the consequences from being a jackass, so dont do what I did to all the users that are new to steroids. Make sure you research before you know what you put in your body and how to administer it, or your ignorance will catch up with you and defeat you in the long run. Moving on...

I want to optimize the best cycle performances possible, the best gains, the least amount of loss possible after cycle, and if I should wait or proceed on with my cycle. Let me explain. I am currently on deck with Test E 250mg/ml, Tren A 100mg/ml, and Arimidex 1mg tabs. I have been reading that a good, if not great, add on would be the masteron for cutting cycles as it minimizes the side effects, hardens the muscles, and works very well in the cutting phase of a cycle. Now, although I do not have Masteron, and probably wont for another 3-4 weeks, I want to go ahead and get started on my cycle. With Test E being a long ester and usually kicks in week 4, I figured I would start:

Weeks 1-4: 250mg-300mg per week of Test E only
Weeks 4-10: 250mg-300mg Test E and 50mg EOD (M,W,F,Sun) every week
PCT: .5mg Arimidex EOD during cycle, since I am susceptible to gyno already

Do you think I would see good results using this breakdown and be able to cut down to about 220lbs within a reasonable time frame or do any of you have a better breakdown that would be far more beneficial as far as my cutting would go? I know I cannot build and cut at the same time, but having my strength back and be cutting greatly would be the ideal goal for this cycle and I will focus on nothing but that correctness of cycle administration along with a diet in check, that gives my next question.

Along with your inputs on how I should break my cycle down for maximal efficiency, what do you recommend as far as my diet goes and the caloric intake I should set myself at? What are the best foods to eat to cut faster, what to stay away from, and how should I lay out a diet for this cycle so I am returning the best results possible from this? I am one of those guys that is taking this very seriously now I am more educated with how cycles work, and now I want some more knowledge on how to get the best results from this Tren cycle so I can get back to being fucking STACKED like I was. I want the best for my body, and NO-staying away from a cycle is NOT an option right now, so putting the best into my body and working myself down to 215-220lbs is a very desirable goal for me I expect to meet towards the end of this cycle. Please let me know what you guys think and please take down serious inquiries only, I am asking for advice/help not sarcasm and thread stealing. Thanks guys!
I'll give you some feedback, first off what is your body fat%? I'm 6'4" also and 235#, I'd guess about 12% bf. If I had an extra 25# of muscle holy shit, if it was fat then meh... Knowing your body fat% might help gauge how much you can lose and how fast. Also how did you arrive at your 220# target? If you want to be big & strong I can tell you that's not heavy enough. At 235# I don't consider myself large or very strong (compared to guys I lift with and the general audience on this board).

Arimidex - my personal experience with 300 test per week (plus 600 deca which aromatizes about 25% what test does) is that 0.25 mg EOD was just a bit too much. It could be that I am a strong adex responder, so your milage may vary - but I'd be cautious of 0.5 mg EOD at only 300 test plus no other aromatizing compound. Your previous gyno has to enter into this too, I can't comment on that.

HCG - you are a young guy, and I'm assuming may want to pop out kids someday. Take 500 IU per week on cycle, and ramp 7-10 days of 1,000 IU /day in the gap between stopping compounds and the final days leading up to PCT.

PCT - you talked about the wisdom of doing it, but have not details. Have you thought how long to wait after stopping the long estered test? Will you use both nolva and clomid? You aren't thinking of adex in PCT are you?

Regarding cutting - once you start taking these compounds if you are working out hard your body will be starving for nutrition. You could just cut back on carbs while eating plenty of protein and veggies, and you will lose weight - although being in carb deficit you won't pack on much muscle either.
Wow OP this ^^^ is good info. Now the only thing I want to say is just some general info for you to understand.

As long as you feed your muscles with the right protein , carbs and low fat and keep training hard you will not loose yours gains. People get confused at loosing water as loosing LMM. They think by loosing weight they are loosing muscle... NO , you have water glycogen and other that will diminish. Keep eating properly and training as I mentioned.

Now the only way to build muscle is eating an excess of calories and overload to failure workouts.

By dropping the calories but short of deficit little by little and training as mentioned you can begin to cut without loosing what you have, . How do you think we competitors cut for shows and NOT loose muscle. Listen if you cut you cut forget the bulking. But remember as long as we eat and train hard we will be able to build very slowly but not much when lessening calories

Just a note here ^^for you to understand, cutting does not mean loosing .
I'll give you some feedback, first off what is your body fat%? I'm 6'4" also and 235#, I'd guess about 12% bf. If I had an extra 25# of muscle holy shit, if it was fat then meh... Knowing your body fat% might help gauge how much you can lose and how fast. Also how did you arrive at your 220# target? If you want to be big & strong I can tell you that's not heavy enough. At 235# I don't consider myself large or very strong (compared to guys I lift with and the general audience on this board).

Arimidex - my personal experience with 300 test per week (plus 600 deca which aromatizes about 25% what test does) is that 0.25 mg EOD was just a bit too much. It could be that I am a strong adex responder, so your milage may vary - but I'd be cautious of 0.5 mg EOD at only 300 test plus no other aromatizing compound. Your previous gyno has to enter into this too, I can't comment on that.

HCG - you are a young guy, and I'm assuming may want to pop out kids someday. Take 500 IU per week on cycle, and ramp 7-10 days of 1,000 IU /day in the gap between stopping compounds and the final days leading up to PCT.

PCT - you talked about the wisdom of doing it, but have not details. Have you thought how long to wait after stopping the long estered test? Will you use both nolva and clomid? You aren't thinking of adex in PCT are you?

Regarding cutting - once you start taking these compounds if you are working out hard your body will be starving for nutrition. You could just cut back on carbs while eating plenty of protein and veggies, and you will lose weight - although being in carb deficit you won't pack on much muscle either.

So I would guess that my bf% is in the neighborhood of 20-25% to be on the high side playing safe. I am no means fat, but I definitely have room to cut down the excess and build lean hard muscle tissue. Also I do not weigh 220, unless you are asking me how I got to my target range of 220lbs? That answer is, I have been there before about 2 years ago and never felt better at such a weight. So I would like to get back to that targeted range. My ideal goal is 220-230lbs with the way my body is structured. I am a big ass dude. lol.

Is HCG really important for me to get my body levels back to normal such as my libido and sperm counts? I have never taken hcg before but I have heard of it all over the place and I know it is easily accessible. As far as pct goes, I did not plan on taking the adex as my pct, no. I was going to either get nolva or clomid for that matter and run it 4 weeks after the following fourth week after my last shot since it is Test E, I would like that last shot to have a chance before I drained it with the pct. every day on a dosage recommended regiment. Correct me if I am wrong.

So best way to optimize this cycle for cutting and/or muscle development (very important to me) is to have a fully balanced diet correct? protein are higher part of diet, veggies, and carbs need to be consumed prior to workouts and replenished in moderation after the workout all while keeping my fat intake fairly low right? What do you mean by eat excess of calories and overload failure workouts? What do you exactly mean by that? Eat a bunch and workout as hard as possible but that i will have remaining calorie index left over from throughout the day that wasn't burned during working out or what? I am lost by the term "failure workouts" I assume it means exactly what you wrote under that, and that having excess calories left over that weren't burned off is okay to have because that will be what feeds my gains? Thanks so much for helping guys i really appreciate it more than you would know!
My question about 220# was how did you get that target, I think it's 15 to 20# low - but that's just my opinion. I think 6'4" 220# is a lean and tall dude. I'm 235 and finding it hard (like almost impossible) to gain any more weight because I can't (won't) eat enough, and I already eat a lot. It's all in the diet.

I've been reading a ton of articles lately all over the net about AAS, TRT, PEDs, etc. etc. and my opinion is HCG is really a good idea to take. Others disagree. At your age you would be foolish not to.

Your test dosage of 250 to 350 is low-ish, even with enanthate ester you could start your PCT after 3 weeks and be fine. 4 may be a bit long. Best if you use both clomid & nolva together.

For diet I'm not very knowledgeable, there are others here who are so you should ask them. I'm not a fan of keeping fat intake low. I would eat high protein, high fat, and moderate carbs, and as many veggies as often as possible. The more you regulate the carbs the more you can tweak your rate of weight loss. A pound a week is a good target to keep your muscle while losing fat. For a 10 week cycle that's probably not going to get you where you want, so you can go more aggressive and lose more fat, with the tradeoff being not gaining/keeping as much muscle.