I need some feedback on my cycle. Is it laid out right? Im hoping to do a lean bulk on this cycle. Or is this overkill for a second cycle? I already have all this so I'm hoping I can make use of it.
195 lbs
12% bf
2nd cycle.
1-8 50mg tren ace ED
1-8 Caber .5 EW
1-16 test 250mg EW
1-16 EQ 500mg EW
1-16 Arimdex .5mg EW
I also have Anavar and Tbol and was hoping to bridge one of them into pct to help protect my gains. I have nolva on hand for gyno.
195 lbs
12% bf
2nd cycle.
1-8 50mg tren ace ED
1-8 Caber .5 EW
1-16 test 250mg EW
1-16 EQ 500mg EW
1-16 Arimdex .5mg EW
I also have Anavar and Tbol and was hoping to bridge one of them into pct to help protect my gains. I have nolva on hand for gyno.