Test E/Tren Ace/ EQ Cycle critique


New member
I need some feedback on my cycle. Is it laid out right? Im hoping to do a lean bulk on this cycle. Or is this overkill for a second cycle? I already have all this so I'm hoping I can make use of it.

195 lbs
12% bf
2nd cycle.

1-8 50mg tren ace ED
1-8 Caber .5 EW
1-16 test 250mg EW
1-16 EQ 500mg EW
1-16 Arimdex .5mg EW

I also have Anavar and Tbol and was hoping to bridge one of them into pct to help protect my gains. I have nolva on hand for gyno.
2nd cycle and you're looking at 3 compounds and potentially 4/5?
What was your first cycle?

Also, you should def have nolva on hand as it's part of PCT. Do you have clomid as well?
Just making sure you have all your PCT staples ready in case you need to abort the cycle early.

I'd also say you're running too much too soon.
Not a bad cycle. If I did that I wouldn't need half that shit And I'm a lactating bitch.
Test 250 week
Eq 500 week
Proviron 50ed

Done. Get bloods to see where your estrogen is at. If it's not over 100 your good. Mine never is at that test dose.