Test E/ Tren Ace.


New member
This is my second cycle. my first was with just 600mg of test E a week for 10 weeks i gained 25 lbs and bench went from 225 to 315. looking to start this cycle with 900mg/test e and 500mg/tren Ace
If your taking tren a then why not take test prop? Also if 600mgs worked well for you before and now your adding tren,which is strong as hell, I wouldn't take the test that high imo
This is my second cycle. my first was with just 600mg of test E a week for 10 weeks i gained 25 lbs and bench went from 225 to 315. looking to start this cycle with 900mg/test e and 500mg/tren Ace

You tryin to cut or bulk? first time using tren i wouldnt use 500mg. maybe like 75-100mgs EOD, as far as the test maybe like 750mgs
For me anything over 750mgs of test i start gettin some serious sides
Im just tryin to bulk right now. i want to get to around 200lbs. i already feel myself getting stronger. i cant get test prop or i would have it.
my first cycle i didnt realy kno what i was doin or what really anything meant i didnt get harldy any sides from it. and the lingo im pretty far behind in that stage as well. ive been tryin to read up on it but im having trouble. what does like eod mean. ive done a lot of ready about tren and so far i feel confident in what im takin i just want some advice and direction for a diet and help with the lingo. thank you!
my first cycle i didnt realy kno what i was doin or what really anything meant i didnt get harldy any sides from it. and the lingo im pretty far behind in that stage as well. ive been tryin to read up on it but im having trouble. what does like eod mean. ive done a lot of ready about tren and so far i feel confident in what im takin i just want some advice and direction for a diet and help with the lingo. thank you!

eod = every other day

500mg of tren a is way to fucking much dude......50mg eod is plenty for your first tren cycle. any more and you are asking for a horrible first experince with tren and you will more than likely never try it again. dont over do it, drop the dose of the tren a to 50mg eod, and the test to 750mg no need for that high of a dose...
Totally agree!! Tren a is good because if you do experience sides you wont be stuck with them for a long period because of the short ester, ya it requires more pinning, but pinning ain't shit imo. And by using prop you will peak at the same time,you will see good results!
thank you i wasnt to sure! illl post some pics of now and then after the cycle. il be keepin the questions coming!
If anyone knows where test prop is let me know! everything i read pp seem to be using that, same with tren enath. i can ony get test enath and tren ace
You can run test e with it, their is no law that says you have to run short esters together. I would think you would just have to wait 4 weeks to start the tren.
Which is a superior combo test-prop and tren-A or test-Eth and Tren-Eth.? This will be my first time using tren. Any help would be greatly appreciated.