You would maintain "more" stable levels (I use the term more loosely) , but if you're going to pin everyday... why not use prop?
Prop is usually a lower mg/ml so for bb they want the most mg for less volume as he is probably injecting at least a couple cc's Ed worth of oil plus gh and whatever else.
You would maintain "more" stable levels (I use the term more loosely) , but if you're going to pin everyday... why not use prop?
Possibly stabler blood levels altough that is just an assumtion. But a decent one I would say. Also if a guy is running a cycle that includes both short and long esters, rather than doing the short esters EOD or ED and the long E3.5D some combine everything into EOD or ED (long and short) I have done this in the past. Makes life easier.
Why like this ? Friday to monday is 3 days and from mon to wed and wed to fri only 2 days
Came across a cycle of a pro bb and it stated he was takin test e ed. Is there any benefiy behind it comparing to e3d ? Wud i be better of doing 100mg ed than 300 e3d ?