Test Enanthate first cycle log


New member
-=-=-=-=-=EDIT-=-=-=-=-= Can someone please move this to "my steroid cycle" forum? I placed it here by accident. Thanks :D

Hey everyone, just wanted to log my cycle on here. Feel free to read it and offer advice if you have any. I'm 20 years old.

18 years old
124lb 13% body fat 5"11
294 total testosterone level
Bench: 75lb
Squat: 90lb
Deadlift: 135lb

20 years old
162lb 11% body fat 5"11
393 total testosterone level
30 Estradiol
Bench: 215lb
Squat: 225lb
Deadlift: 300lb

Past history: I had a random lump form under my chest a month ago, it occurred a week after I used a razor to shave for the first time so I blew it off and I waited a few weeks yet it didn't subside.I got a mammogram + ultrasound done and they said it's either slight gyno or a benign lump. I wanted to cycle but my doctor stated that the only way to find out if it was gyno for sure was to get a biopsy but they wouldn't give one unless it got bigger. So I started letro 5 days ago to see if the lump decreases in size. If it doesn't change within another 2 weeks, then I'll taper off and add nolvadex and aromasin. If it does shrink, then I'll continue on with it.

I also have some dbol that I may add in if the lump turns out not to be gyno and I taper off of the letro. But as for now, it's a simple test e cycle @ 500mg.

*** Using letro atm for "gyno", will be using a-sin for my AI. Have nolvadex + clomid for PCT and I'm using NAC tabs for liver support throughout cycle. Having bloodwork done 6 weeks in and 2 weeks after PCT.

Below are some pics from my current state
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Day 1:

- First shot in right delt; drew with 18g and pinned with 25g. Little numb there now (feels like a regular flu shot).
- Took 30 seconds to pin it and warmed it up for 15 minutes beforehand.
- Took letro 2.5mg right after. Currently day 6 of letro, no changes in lump size yet. Hopefully it's not gyno and I can taper off soon and run some dbol in a few weeks.

Here is my pic at 18 before I began lifting.

I found out I had low test and I always felt like garbage so I began to lift. Did compounds twice a week, ate 80g fat daily. Brought calories up from eating 1200 (that's what I ate before) to 3000 to 3500 and now at 3900 daily. Taking zinc 50mg every other day as well. Did this for 2 years and test went up by 100.
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Day 2:

PIP is pretty bad now lol. I can't do a lateral raise and I kept waking up when I slept on that side. Hopefully it resolves by tomorrow morning.
-=-=-=-=-=EDIT-=-=-=-=-= Can someone please move this to "my steroid cycle" forum? I placed it here by accident. Thanks :D

Hey everyone, just wanted to log my cycle on here. Feel free to read it and offer advice if you have any. I'm 20 years old.

18 years old
124lb 13% body fat 5"11
294 total testosterone level
Bench: 75lb
Squat: 90lb
Deadlift: 135lb

20 years old
162lb 11% body fat 5"11
393 total testosterone level
30 Estradiol
Bench: 215lb
Squat: 225lb
Deadlift: 300lb

Past history: I had a random lump form under my chest a month ago, it occurred a week after I used a razor to shave for the first time so I blew it off and I waited a few weeks yet it didn't subside.I got a mammogram + ultrasound done and they said it's either slight gyno or a benign lump. I wanted to cycle but my doctor stated that the only way to find out if it was gyno for sure was to get a biopsy but they wouldn't give one unless it got bigger. So I started letro 5 days ago to see if the lump decreases in size. If it doesn't change within another 2 weeks, then I'll taper off and add nolvadex and aromasin. If it does shrink, then I'll continue on with it.

I also have some dbol that I may add in if the lump turns out not to be gyno and I taper off of the letro. But as for now, it's a simple test e cycle @ 500mg.

*** Using letro atm for "gyno", will be using a-sin for my AI. Have nolvadex + clomid for PCT and I'm using NAC tabs for liver support throughout cycle. Having bloodwork done 6 weeks in and 2 weeks after PCT.

Below are some pics from my current state

your not finished development in males till about age 25 and would hghly rec you stop now and wait atleast a few years or you risk permanetly messing up for development for life. its not the same as an adult ( dont get confused with legal age, your not finished development) using aas and someone not finished development, it can hlt and/or bmess it up and thats for life and PCT wont change that...

welcome to the forum
also use a SERM for gyno and an AI on cycle. also what you meant your using letro for gyno? its your first cycle but you already have gyno? use a serm, not letro to crash your estrogen, its not healthy!
there are a bunch of "bro-logic" guys preaching letro... if off cycle and with normal estro but gyno you use a SERM not an AI...
also use a SERM for gyno and an AI on cycle. also what you meant your using letro for gyno? its your first cycle but you already have gyno? use a serm, not letro to crash your estrogen, its not healthy!
there are a bunch of "bro-logic" guys preaching letro... if off cycle and with normal estro but gyno you use a SERM not an AI...

Thanks for the reply. I have a-dex and asin as well for AI's. I'm using letro for a couple weeks to see if it shrinks the gyno. If not, then I'm switching to a-sin + nolva to prevent rebound. Reason why I didn't use a SERM for gyno is because it takes 1-2 months to see results and I'm not sure, nor will the doctors verify, if it is gyno.
18 years old
124lb 13% body fat 5"11
294 total testosterone level
Bench: 75lb
Squat: 90lb
Deadlift: 135lb.....

Your test level of 294 was before you ever did a cycle? or after?
18 years old
124lb 13% body fat 5"11
294 total testosterone level
Bench: 75lb
Squat: 90lb
Deadlift: 135lb.....

Your test level of 294 was before you ever did a cycle? or after?

Before, I never lifted then either. I began to lift for two years and it went up about 100.
Day 5: Still a sore swollen red painful hard patch on the first injection site pin. It's still the same size and a few inches under the injection site.

I pinned again yesterday and I got no problem but some PIP on my left arm. I think it's because I took a warm shower and put a heating pad on it after while massaging it. The bright side is I'm not just sensitive to the gear and the gear isn't bunk but the bad thing is my first pin still hurts :/
it's pretty obvious you have no idea what you're doing by some of your statements... you should have researched a lot more before taking this on, go read the stickies in this sub forum and get an idea of how to properly do pct after cycle and control your estrogen while on.
Hey dude, i am just curious how do you feel with a test level of 400? I'm also there but it sucks for me(im 21).
I think that you should investigate why your natty levels are low and try to fix that and if you cant fix that then try a restart or trt.
good luck
letro is not goign to work any faster man.... takes time to shrink gyno and in many cases only getting it cut ou will b way to rid it. I highly rec you stop everything ASAP and take more time researching and as i mentioned you have about 4-5 more years of development to do and using aas will likely halt and screw it up and at this stage thats for life. do you really want to be on hrt for life? a injection every week for rest of life? on top of what ever other sort of issue?
please consider stopping this now and giving it some time buddy.

anyway use a SERM low dosed on cycle if got gyno and an AI at a dose not to crash your estrogen. I just see this all as a train wreck already happening man,,,
letro is not goign to work any faster man.... takes time to shrink gyno and in many cases only getting it cut ou will b way to rid it. I highly rec you stop everything ASAP and take more time researching and as i mentioned you have about 4-5 more years of development to do and using aas will likely halt and screw it up and at this stage thats for life. do you really want to be on hrt for life? a injection every week for rest of life? on top of what ever other sort of issue?
please consider stopping this now and giving it some time buddy.

anyway use a SERM low dosed on cycle if got gyno and an AI at a dose not to crash your estrogen. I just see this all as a train wreck already happening man,,,

Yes I have letro Adex and aromasin on hand. I'm going to be taking 12.5mg ED a-sin and 10mg nolva on cycle. I understand the age issue but what about my cycle is a train wreck or states that I need to do more research? I was only running letro to see how my gyno would be effected by it if it truly was gyno. Test takes weeks to kick in and I'd be off of letro and on asin and nolva by then. I'm getting bloods mid cycle to gauge AI dosage and afer PCT.
it's pretty obvious you have no idea what you're doing by some of your statements... you should have researched a lot more before taking this on, go read the stickies in this sub forum and get an idea of how to properly do pct after cycle and control your estrogen while on.

I'm going to be controlling estrogen with asin and possibly nolva as well if it turns out that I'm sensitive. My pct is clomid and nolva. What have I said that showed that I need more research?
Hey dude, i am just curious how do you feel with a test level of 400? I'm also there but it sucks for me(im 21).
I think that you should investigate why your natty levels are low and try to fix that and if you cant fix that then try a restart or trt.
good luck

I feel like crap. It used to be 293 before I started lifting. Lifted for two ears and doubled my lifts and it only went up by 100. My hormone levels are idiopathic, I went to an endocrinologist and there's no signs of hypogonadism.

Get your levels checked, living with the test levels of an 80 year old really makes your high school and college experience a nightmare.
I feel like crap. It used to be 293 before I started lifting. Lifted for two ears and doubled my lifts and it only went up by 100. My hormone levels are idiopathic, I went to an endocrinologist and there's no signs of hypogonadism.

Get your levels checked, living with the test levels of an 80 year old really makes your high school and college experience a nightmare.

That is ridiculously low for someone your age.... you need to see a doctor about TRT and just check you out in general... Im about 20 years older than you have similar readings and will be arranging TRT soon after this current cycle of Test....

I can tell you from my own experience T levels that low are pure misery, change your entire outlook on life and make getting out of bed every morning a challenge... add to that you have to deal with the gauntlet that is high school.

On the plus side, youve got a good base physique and are pretty lean, which is surprising given your levels.
That is ridiculously low for someone your age.... you need to see a doctor about TRT and just check you out in general... Im about 20 years older than you have similar readings and will be arranging TRT soon after this current cycle of Test....

I can tell you from my own experience T levels that low are pure misery, change your entire outlook on life and make getting out of bed every morning a challenge... add to that you have to deal with the gauntlet that is high school.

On the plus side, youve got a good base physique and are pretty lean, which is surprising given your levels.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I had no energy in high school or the last 2 years in college. I don't have any drive to meet girls or talk to them unless I don't jerk off for a week (too much info lol).

I lifted for two years and my physique is normal at best. It sucks because when someone asks how long I've been lifting, I say 2 years and they are surprised at how small I still am. They blame it on diet or workouts. I used to eat 3800 calories to put on a half pound a week. I got angry and began to eat 4K+ and I put on about 10 pounds in 3 months. My lifts went up by 10-30 pounds each but I got a little chubby so I cut down a bit (was 160lb eating 240g protein split between 7 meals) and my lifts went back to normal and I ended up at about the same weight as before. It sucks having to try hard and end up back at square one. My friends who began lifting after seeing me lift overtake my progress in 2 months while drinking every weekend, smoking often, eating crap at the campus when I pack my meals and wake up early just to prepare. They say the same thing, you're just not trying hard enough.

Also, I'm curious to see how life would be with normal test levels.
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That is ridiculously low for someone your age.... you need to see a doctor about TRT and just check you out in general... Im about 20 years older than you have similar readings and will be arranging TRT soon after this current cycle of Test....

I can tell you from my own experience T levels that low are pure misery, change your entire outlook on life and make getting out of bed every morning a challenge... add to that you have to deal with the gauntlet that is high school.

On the plus side, youve got a good base physique and are pretty lean, which is surprising given your levels.

I also felt one year into lifting that I plateau'd. I looked into gear but I refrained from it because I'd only been lifting for a year and I did have decent progress (noob gains) and I blamed myself for not trying hard enough when I plateau'd.

Well, one year later and I hardly gained anything. I balanced nursing school, studying every night for hours, working out, and 4000 calories and at the end, I got zilch. I blamed that on the stress I was under but even over break, hardly any gains.

On top of that, I try to delve into AAS getting over my fear of needles (I don't even drink or smoke, never did drugs) and I get told you're too small, you don't know how to eat or train. It sucks man
Update: Day 5

I have a test flu at 100.3 degrees right now. I have intense PIP in both deltoids and my right one still has a red rash on it. So far, this cycle is killing me