Test Enanthate first cycle log

Update: Day 5

I have a test flu at 100.3 degrees right now. I have intense PIP in both deltoids and my right one still has a red rash on it. So far, this cycle is killing me

I actually just came in to comment on how clean your bathroom mirror is and how fresh that wall paper is.. but after reading this comment it has me concerned for your gear bruh. Is it possible you have dirty gear?
I actually just came in to comment on how clean your bathroom mirror is and how fresh that wall paper is.. but after reading this comment it has me concerned for your gear bruh. Is it possible you have dirty gear?

Lol, thanks :p

As far as the cycle goes, I'm on day 12 currently with some nice strength increases. All of my back/biceps lifts went up by a few reps, it felt good. Also, I feel more full, kinda like on creatine. The marks on my shoulders are gone but I also did start amoxicillin 4 days ago JUST to be on the safe side. Have pinned twice more on my quads with no redness or swelling. Might be because the quads are better for me or I use a heating pad now or maybe it is the antibiotics. I might try shoulder on purpose while I'm on the antibiotics to see if I get the redness and swelling again.

I was taking 12.5mg aromasin but my nips were getting hard easier. If my shirt rubbed against them, they'd pucker up and get smaller and harder. I read some people saying that that could be higher estrogen levels so I upped the aromasin to 25mg. It's been 3 days and my sex drive is low and the nips seem fine so I think I'll try 12.5mg ED for a week and then get a blood test done just to make sure the test is real and my E2 are good. (I am estrogen sensitive).

Apart from that, my test flu had come a couple more times, I literally passed out the night of the last 2 pins, I get so sleepy, eyes teary nose runny but by the morning, I am completely fine. No crazy 100 degree fevers like the first one though.

Only thing now is to figure out proper AI dosing for myself and to hope that no redness/swelling turns up when I pin after my antibiotic course.
Also, just wanted to mention that the strength gains started on day 8. They are not a placebo, my diet and nutrition is pretty solid and I can tell the difference between doing an extra rep and knocking 3-5 more on every exercise. Perhaps I feel a strength difference as my starting levels were already low.

I was running letro before cycle so I tapered off of it the day I got the hard nips, could be estrogen rebound; I have been taking 20mg nolva and 25mg a-sin to combat it. going to drop the nolva to 10mg in 3 days then do a week of it before dropping it completely. The aromasin will be down to 12.5mg tomorrow and I'll see if sex drive goes up or if my nips still keep getting hard easily.
Day 21:

Been off an AI for ~5 days. Blood work is tomorrow. Strength has gone up, everything has gone up 3-4 reps.

Turns out the hot flashes and sweating at night were from taking nolvadex. (It's known to cause that in men). Today was my last day of it. I also am losing 40-50 hairs every other day when I shower. I have thick hair but I assume I'm losing them from:

Possibly low estro
Having ran nolva for 2 weeks
Having ran letro for 3 weeks

I'm off of all of it so it should recover. I don't think I'm prone to MPB as everyone in my family has thick hair.

Also, the sex drive is affected by low estro high estro or nolvadex. Go figure. It should be back to normal in 5-7 days since I stopped nolva today.

I'll post my levels tomorrow and I'll see if I need to add aromasin in or not.
Week 8 is coming close to an end.

I weigh 172lb at 11% now, I feel leaner, got some nice veins coming out in lower abs region, strength is way higher now. I've been repping my one rep max for 6 reps now. I'm eating 4200 calories daily and I have no bloat.

Life is amazing lol.

Slight acne from incredibly oily skin
Have taken no AI since the start, feel no bloat, emotional swings, sensitivity or anything.
Strength and weight is up, people commenting how I look bigger.
Overall life quality has improved.

Only side is I have some hair loss :(
Donated blood a week ago to lower hematocrit.

I am going to add anavar in at week 10-14 to bridge into PCT and cut up a bit towards the end. Then I'll start PCT and stay off till around April.

Next cycle will probably be prop+tren is all goes well :p
Have taken no AI since the start

so in the original post you said you have gyno and were trying to reduce/control it and now you say you haven't used any AI the entire cycle at 500mg/week? contrary to popular belief around here, moobs aren't gains.