test, eq, anavar, hcg


New member
Ok first real cycle. Before I start here are my stats.

I'm 5'8, 185 lbs, 13% bf

My goals are to get stronger and lean out without losing weight, basically stay the same weight or gain weight while getting vascular and strong if that makes sense.

My cycle will look like this:

Weeks 1-10: Test P 400
Weeks 1-10: EQ
Weeks 1-4: Anavar 50mg ED
Weeks 5-10: HCG

I have read a lot and studied but I'm sure a lot of things I say will be wrong or whatever so just looking for some answers.

Can I use loaders and just use one needle for the test and EQ instead of doing two separate shots for each?

For the HCG...when and how long should I run it for? I've heard towards the end and I've heard the whole cycle.

Any other questions/comments/concerns would be great thanks guys!
im a big fan of the test/eq/var cycle but id dump the prop and go with a medium ester because ten weeks of eq isnt going to do much.. and you didnt state how many mgs youll be using of the eq.. yes you can mix them both together.. last but not least if it was me id save the var for the end of the cycle..
ok just curious why dump prop and go with ester? I was originally gonna go test e anyway but got prop and said screw it. The EQ is going to be 300 a week...is that not enough? I'd like to stay in the 10-12 week range. I also have 50 50 mg dbol from before that I never used...I thought about throwing them in in the beginning of the cycle and using the var at the end...but would that be counter productive?
Leave the dbol lout. It's not going to help you for your purposes.

Agree with all and the reason to dump the prop is to decrease the amount of injections. Do you really want to stick EOD?

Last, if you want a nice happy middle ground use Sustanon (sust). I would inject MWF, 1cc of Sustanon (sust) and 1cc of eq each time. Use the var 3-4 weeks on and 3-4 weeks off. After your 1st run of var if all goes well take 100mg ED.