test eth kits


New member
Im thinking of picking my self up 10-15 grams of test. I was looking at some kits online just now and they have ones that will yeild to 200mg/ml in a 10 gram total kit. I want to take those 10-15 grams of test and yeild a concentration of 500mg/ml. Shoudl I just use the super solvent? What kind of kit would I need for this? Besides MR T's kits, are there any other good ones?
you dont need a kit. enan is soluable in oil. 15g will yield 30ml of 500mg/ml. add enan to beaker, fill to 30ml with oil\, heat a bit til it clears, filter, bake and shoot. if you dont have a beaker you'll need about 17 or 18ml of oil. 500mg/ml may be a bit painful but you body will acclimate to it.
I dont understand, why with a beaker I can yield 30ml and with out one I need 17-18? Am I missing something. I have done 500mg shots before, they were a little painful but eventually I learned to deal with it.
15g of powder will take up about 13 to 14ml once dissolved. so get to 30ml you make up the difference with oil. i use a graduated beaker so it takes the guess work out of it.
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yup, its really that easy for enan, deca and eq. follow sterlization procedure mentioned in the above self titled sticky and you good to go.
Damn PB every thread I have ever read says you need BA in almost everything. After searching on here and reading some of your threads I see that it is much easier than what I initially thought. I will be following your instructions for my upcoming conversions.

So just as long as I filter and heat my EQ and Enth then i'll be good to go right?

Just mix the powder with oil and there you have it

yup. to be honest i dont know where in the hell everybody got the info that BA sterlizes anything. i have never read that in a validated document. first time i saw it was on one these boards. I was like WTF. then i saw a lot of other bad info on training and the likes. I dont understand how so many folks could be mislead. well i do know and i have stated it time and time again.

contempt prior to investigation will never fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance.

read validated reports from pharmaceutical producers and not these boards for the truth. occassioanlly they are off too but it aint often. and if they are off it is usally just a rogue report that sliped thru the cracks.
so you are saying that for deca you do not need the ba and bb? and for enanthate you onlt need the oil? are the sticky conversions at the top of this forum wrong then?
Bump that

Those are the same recipees I see posted on almost every board I frequent.

If I am taking what PB is saying correctly then they are wrong, but we better let him answer that....lol....i'm certainly no expert
jarbulldog said:
so you are saying that for deca you do not need the ba and bb? and for enanthate you onlt need the oil? are the sticky conversions at the top of this forum wrong then?

Yup they are. They will work but you are using some wasted steps. Its like taking a shower with a rain coat on. I will explain it one more time. deca, eq, enan, cyp and a few others are soluble in vegetable oil. so if its soluble in oil it needs no solvent. Now cyp is the one fickle one out of the bunch, as any of you know who use it. I have had cyp to hold at 400mg/ml with no solvent and had it crash at 200mg/ml with 5%ba and 10% bb. Go figure, same batch of powder too. its still doable just need to heat till it clears before administration. OK with that being said, BA is an antimicrobial and not a sterilizing agent. There is a huge difference. antimicrobials can destroy some bacteria (some g+ but no g-) but are mainly used to prevent further growth. BA is a week killer of bacteria but great at inhibiting growth of further induced bacteria into oily solutions, which can happen. This technically makes it a preservative and not a sterilization agent. If you like there is no prob with adding 2-3% BA to a solution as a preservative. Its not gonna hurt anything and there is always the possibilty of bacteria being intrduced into your vial

As far as bb goes there is no reason at all to use it with hormones that are soluble in oil, as it has no sterilization properties at all. BB is used when a hormone requires more than 10% solvent. Short esters and no esters in particular and some of the PHs. anything over 10% ba may be excruciating esp if it is a high mg/ml concentration.

BA is a great water soluble solvent while BB is insoluble in water but nonetheless a good solvent esp in conjunction with BA. BB has a tendency to stay at inject site longer than BA obviously so the depots will be less discomforting.

I have posted a couple of articles on this board describing in detail the GMP for oily solutions and aqueous solutions as they differ. it plainly states in the document that oily solutions require little or no antimicrobial as they are highly ineffective. Now for aqueous solutions that is a different ball game. Antimicrobials in conjunction with autoclaving at 120-125c for 60 minutes will produce a sterile solution/suspension.

Now for one more note on suspensions and solutions. There seems to be some confusion here as well. I have seen posters saying that they need to suspend enan in oil or deca in oil. This is an impossibility. You cannot suspend oil soluble hormones in oil. They will always be a solution. NE hormones are normally suspended in either water or oil. However some can be made to solutions with the right carrier. IE Winstrol (winny) can be made into a solution or a suspension. In a suspension if product sits long enough the hormone will separate from the oil/water. In a solution it will not separate if you have followed the procedure to the letter.

Hope this cleared some questions up for some of you guys.
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great post bro, but would you add the ba and bb if you are not going to use it for maybe 6 months to keep bacteria from growing?
jarbulldog said:
great post bro, but would you add the ba and bb if you are not going to use it for maybe 6 months to keep bacteria from growing?

bb will not act as preservative. any bacteria that gets into the vial will be from penetrations with a pin more than likely. 2-3% ba is ok for for this but bb is usless.
DougoeFre5h said:
Wouldnt it be wise to add a little BA as a bacteriostatic agent to your enan?

if you are planning on having it a while, it dont hurt. i dont use it but many do. 2-3% will do the trick.

deca enan and eq i dont use any solvents. if somehow bac gets in it and i get an infection i'll bake it again. I have never had an infection but twice and both of those were off mex gear that was loaded with ba. that disproves the whole ba theory right there.

good topic fellas.