test ethanate

I also found this though:

D. TE (Testosterone ethanate) - Weekly 200 mg shots of synthetic testosterone; causes body to reduce LH and FSH, reducing sperm count but not libido. 1. Effectiveness: takes 4 mos to get zero sperm count; afterwards, >than the pill for effectiveness
2. Disadvantages: Increased appetite, slight wt. gain, acne, long term potential for heart and prostate dz.

(found: http://www.csupomona.edu/~cmbrady/courses/bio301/BCOUT.HTM)
Ahimoth said:
I also found this though:

D. TE (Testosterone ethanate) - Weekly 200 mg shots of synthetic testosterone; causes body to reduce LH and FSH, reducing sperm count but not libido. 1. Effectiveness: takes 4 mos to get zero sperm count; afterwards, >than the pill for effectiveness
2. Disadvantages: Increased appetite, slight wt. gain, acne, long term potential for heart and prostate dz.

(found: http://www.csupomona.edu/~cmbrady/courses/bio301/BCOUT.HTM)

i jsut wrote a 4 page paper on an article about this last night ill post it if i can. it was very intersting to say the least.
There is quite a lot of info, in a lot of short replies he/she says 'gains go' but in one long reply at the bottom then he/she says 'gains remain as long as eating and working out do (to paraphrase)' On the whole it is very negative.

Also see androgens as contraceptives thread, is good info there on ethanate
Yeah I read probably 7 entries and he seemed like "you are all stupid for thinking about using those bad evil drug things."