test mast npp


New member
hey guys i have test p , test e, mast a, and npp.. how should set up my cycle.

23 yrs ol
210 lbs
2 cycles under belt
1st - test p 700 mg10 wks - dbol 30mg wks - 2-6
2nd - test p 700 /20 wks ,npp500 16 wks
well i was hoping to actualy run prop.. 1 mg e.d and use around 500 a wk of the other two. now i was thinkn of using some slin in there with it, asi have the diet and protocol down, i just was thinkn of cruisn on the test e after this cycle. so i will maybe encorporate that round wk 6 and run all the others for just 10 wks. then cruise on the test.. maybe even just cruz on prop for a mth or so i like prop !
Sorry I was speaking about test p, mast, npp. I would personally use 500 prop, 400 to 500mast and 400npp. Not sure what you mean by 1mg ED? If you want to use 100mg test p ED that's fine.
well i was hoping to actualy run prop.. 1 mg e.d and use around 500 a wk of the other two. now i was thinkn of using some slin in there with it, asi have the diet and protocol down, i just was thinkn of cruisn on the test e after this cycle. so i will maybe encorporate that round wk 6 and run all the others for just 10 wks. then cruise on the test.. maybe even just cruz on prop for a mth or so i like prop !

i would not cruise at 23
but thats just me
Sorry I was speaking about test p, mast, npp. I would personally use 500 prop, 400 to 500mast and 400npp. Not sure what you mean by 1mg ED? If you want to use 100mg test p ED that's fine.

and u would run those amounts why.. just curious, would u say bcuz of my stats!? or have u had experiance with the compunds at those levels?

would ne one else agree with him on these amounts of each compound for my statS?
welll its comin time to start this cycle, but i am not to sure my shoulders are heald up enough. they gave me a hell of a pain in the ass near the end of my last cycle. i dislocated one, and now im about 6 wks into recovery

i may wait it out a few more wks and up my joint support supps.
but i would like to have an idea of how much mast to run with the test and npp.
i wanna get some nice gains, and with my previous cycle exp, i would like to try out the slin. just wanna give it a go with my new diet and all.
plan on using it in the a.m bfor breakfast, and pwo.
maybe 5 iu / day

i would like to keep test around 500 - 700 / wk, and i know i wouldnt recommend cruisn after this but i have been considering it. i hate the yo yo effect of comn off and would find if the appropriate precautions are takn i can get it right!

but ne advice on mg's to b run or ne thing else. id appreciate.
Did you just edit that your 23??

20wk cycle? Wow..

23 cruisin, LOL, = No Kids, No Balls, No Natty Test...stupid...
i appreciate ur advice, i dont take it as a lecture! i was hopin to stay on to retain my gains, as silly as that sounds. i just hate goin threw post cycle therapy (pct), and wanna keep these gains over the summer lol, i was thinkn maybe ill do a 10 wk blast, and cruise for 10 wks. but i am not to sure if i should cruis or wat, pct has been succesful for me . but i just like being on, and not being down in the gutter!
i will keep it kinda simple and just run, test p, mast and npp. all at 500, maybe test at 700, but i think that ill run them for 10 wks and then either hit up a really agressive post cycle therapy (pct), includn peps, and maybe even slin to stay anabolic.. would ne one consider that ?? or running a cruise for a cpl wks and then hit up a pct.. use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) entire time at 500 iu / wk for sure, ne thought on over all proposed plans? good idea, bad idea..
if your insistent on stayoing on through summer I would rather just see you stay on for the whole summer, no reason to cruise. It is very important that you run plenty of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) through the whole cycle, and do a proper PCT.

you should be able to recover fine, although i think your too young to even be cycling period.
if your insistent on stayoing on through summer I would rather just see you stay on for the whole summer, no reason to cruise. It is very important that you run plenty of HCG through the whole cycle, and do a proper PCT.

you should be able to recover fine, although i think your too young to even be cycling period.

well i may b young, and i maybe dumb. ill leave that for my teachers to decide, maybe a few of u can comment, but i will keep a log and get some blood work done first, during and after! i just hope i cn get the support i need from ya folks!
Hcg will b there as well as a aggresive pct
the appeal to cruise is just to temptn. gotta resist
if your insistent on stayoing on through summer I would rather just see you stay on for the whole summer, no reason to cruise. It is very important that you run plenty of HCG through the whole cycle, and do a proper PCT.

you should be able to recover fine, although i think your too young to even be cycling period.

well i may b young, and i maybe dumb. ill leave that for my teachers to decide, maybe a few of u can comment, but i will keep a log and get some blood work done first, during and after! i just hope i cn get the support i need from ya folks!
Hcg will b there as well as a aggresive pct
the appeal to cruise is just to temptn. gotta resist