i appreciate ur advice, i dont take it as a lecture! i was hopin to stay on to retain my gains, as silly as that sounds. i just hate goin threw post cycle therapy (pct), and wanna keep these gains over the summer lol, i was thinkn maybe ill do a 10 wk blast, and cruise for 10 wks. but i am not to sure if i should cruis or wat, pct has been succesful for me . but i just like being on, and not being down in the gutter!
i will keep it kinda simple and just run, test p, mast and npp. all at 500, maybe test at 700, but i think that ill run them for 10 wks and then either hit up a really agressive post cycle therapy (pct), includn peps, and maybe even slin to stay anabolic.. would ne one consider that ?? or running a cruise for a cpl wks and then hit up a pct.. use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) entire time at 500 iu / wk for sure, ne thought on over all proposed plans? good idea, bad idea..