What other cycles have you previously run?
Height, weight, age, body fat %, years training?
Can you post what ancillaries you will be running along with frequencies and dosages?
And how long will you be running each compound?
I've ran a minimum of 5-6 full cycles in the past.. Including Test, Tren, deca and a hand full of peptides.
I've been cruising on Test E @ 250mg for about 6 months.
Stats: 6'3, 203 lbs, 31 yrs old, I'd guess Bf to be at 12-14%, been training 5 years...
I'll be Using Aromasin and Caber for my ancillaries.
I will be bumping up my Test E to 500-750mg approx 3 weeks before I add the Npp, Mast and Var..
I plan on running the Npp and Mast for a min of 12 weeks and the Test will be at the higher dose for about 15 weeks or so before returning to my cruise dose.
Test E will be pinned twice a week, and Npp-Mast EOD
I'll be running the var for about 8 weeks, but unsure if I should run it at the start or end of the cycle..
Thanks again for your input !