Test, Npp, Mast and Anavar question


New member
How's this cycle sound to you? ( Lean Bulk )

( Weekly )
500mg Test E
450 NPP
450 Mast P
80mg Var ( for 8 weeks )

Just looking for some input on this cycle...
All ancillaries are in order..
What other cycles have you previously run?

Height, weight, age, body fat %, years training?

Can you post what ancillaries you will be running along with frequencies and dosages?

And how long will you be running each compound?
What other cycles have you previously run?

Height, weight, age, body fat %, years training?

Can you post what ancillaries you will be running along with frequencies and dosages?

And how long will you be running each compound?

I've ran a minimum of 5-6 full cycles in the past.. Including Test, Tren, deca and a hand full of peptides.
I've been cruising on Test E @ 250mg for about 6 months.

Stats: 6'3, 203 lbs, 31 yrs old, I'd guess Bf to be at 12-14%, been training 5 years...

I'll be Using Aromasin and Caber for my ancillaries.

I will be bumping up my Test E to 500-750mg approx 3 weeks before I add the Npp, Mast and Var..
I plan on running the Npp and Mast for a min of 12 weeks and the Test will be at the higher dose for about 15 weeks or so before returning to my cruise dose.

Test E will be pinned twice a week, and Npp-Mast EOD

I'll be running the var for about 8 weeks, but unsure if I should run it at the start or end of the cycle..

Thanks again for your input !
Why not run mast e, and deca instead, since you are running the longer test ester? There will be no difference. Less pinning. Just food for thought
Sounds like you have your cycle squared away. The only other thing I can think of mentioning is adding 250iu of hCG twice a week -- even while you are on TRT -- just to keep your balls from shriveling up.

And hopefully you are getting the necessary blood work.

Good luck!!!
quite refreshing to see a cycle that isn't glaringly wrong and the poster knows what they're about. GJ!
Heres what I would do bro.

If you want to run Test for 15 weeks id just round that off and make it 16 weeks, I like even numbers myself.

If you want to bump the test up to 750 you may as well jut run it at 750 the whole length.

Id run the Masteron the same length as the Test (16 weeks) and id think about running it at a minimum of 600 as thats the dose at least for me where it starts to get good (you could go higher or course but I personally wouldnt go less than 600 per week.

I cant comment on NPP as ive never ran it but the Var I would run the last 8 weeks, so start at the midway mark and finish off with that.

Of course run the aromasin from day one and as far as the caber goes. DO NOT use this from day one it is unnecessary as you might have no issue with prolactin whatsoever. Do keep it on hand though in case you do but theres no need to use it unless you have to. If you monitor E2 prolactin SHOULD stay good (of course theres the odd exception). Ive never used a DA on Deca or Tren.

Hope this helps.