Test P Only - First Cycle

Sal Telli

New member
Greetings fellow injectors!

I am new to the forum and would like advice and feedback by experienced people. Here is the synopsis of my situation:

Age: 30
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165
Body Fat: ~10%

I have been lifting for many years (last 2 being the most serious) and have utilized many different schools of thought regarding diet and exercise. I am here because I believe that I have truly put forth a concerted effort over the years. Most recently I went the caloric surplus + 5x5 route and made decent strength gains not to mention impressive fat gains. So my goal became stripping all fat and building something permanent from there. 3 months before the summer I started a caloric deficit + 5x5 and lost all the fat (almost). I'm sick of the up and down and I've reached my starting bf% goal for building. So much for the synopsis; here is what I'm doing:

Test P only
1'st week 100mg every day (loading)
100mg EOD for 9wks

350 caloric surplus daily

5x5 based routine (with some 3x8 auxiliary thrown in) 5 days a week

My questions are:

Will this amount of Test P, caloric surplus, and workout volume be effective in seeing noticeable results and will I be able to maintain gains? Also, am I susceptible to sides throughout and if so what would they be and what would you suggest as a precautionary measure.

I think you're front load is a bit much, and your main run of only 350/week is too little. I would recommend the usual test E or C for your first run, mainly because it means fewer injections and less PIP. If you're set on running prop, I would take it up to 150 EOD for a 525mg/week average. 9 weeks, even with prop is a little short, I would consider extending it out, or at the very least, buy enough gear so you can keep going if you decide to when you hit 9 weeks. You will need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), I like adex at 1/2mg E3D or EOD as needed. I would also recommend HCG. Do you have your PCT planned?

Thanks for the input. I'm on day 5 on the frontend loading for Test P so it's a bit late to turn back but the injections don't bother me. I will consider going to 150mg EOD after week 1. I have Nolvadex handy and was planning on resorting to that for gyno (now I'm not sure if I should preemptively take it or save it for when it happens). Now that you mention adex; would I need this Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when I have Nolva?

For post cycle therapy (pct) I was just thinking Clomid or Nolvadex.
post cycle therapy (pct) should be Nolva AND Clomid for 4 weeks. Try Clomid at 100/50/50/50 and Nolva at 40/20/20/20.

I would really recommend saving the nolva for your post cycle therapy (pct) and getting an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like adex or aromisin to run on cycle.

Nolva is a SERM which blocks existing estrogen, an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) stops it from forming in the first place. They're two different types of drugs used for different purposes. Nolva can be used to treat gyno, but it's much better to prevent it with an AI.

After your front load. when you level off at 350/week, I think you will be somewhat disappointed with your results. 500-600 is a fairly mild first cycle. 350 or 500 will shut you down the exact same way, both will need full post cycle therapy (pct), and the side effects should be minimal from either one, so there's no advantage to running the lower dose, but you will loose out on potential gains.