Test P + Tren A cycle, Cut, maintain or bulk diet??


New member
Hi all,

I'll keep it short and simple, ive ran about 5 cycles to date ranging from the simple test only to stacks including Tren, Sus and ready mixed vials. I've had good results in the past and ive also encountered bunk gear. Diet wasn't always the best but now i believe i have gained enough knowledge to lead the correct lifestyle ( i enlisted 3Js help a few yrs back and ive recently become a qualified PT which has also enhanced my knowledge)

I recently went on a 500 cal deficit in preparation for my black belt assessment in kickboxing which i now have so im wanting to gain some more size and get competition ready ( fighting that is)

Current stats:
25 yrs old
Weight: 85kg
Bf: approx 14-15% ( 4 point caliper skin fold test)
Training: Mon Wed Fri resistance ( still devising my own current training regime in line with the cycle, im tied between the hypertrophy and endurance approach)
Tues Thurs Sat Kickboxing training ( 90% cardio with 10% core workouts)

onto the cycle; I've been recommenced to shoot Test P and Tren A EOD at 100mg and 75mg respectively. Ideally i wouldn't want to go above 90kg as my preferred fighting weight is 85-90 so id want to lose around 5 kg of fat and make the rest up with muscle gains.

What do you guys think of the dosage?

Onto the diet....with the nature of this type of cycle what do you recommend in terms of number of cals? should i stick to maintenance or try a lean bulk of +500 cals

Diet is mostly made up of chicken and wholemeal carbs ( basmati rice and whole wheat wraps). post work out shake will have the only fast acting carbs in it along with protein supplements to get my protein up. I'm not too worried about WHAT to eat as i still have all my diet plans from working with 3J, for me its about how MUCH to eat as ive seen people use this cycle and use all 3 methods of diet approach.

PCT will be the usual clomid nolva, im thinking of running HCG @ 2x 250 ius per week with some Ai on hand ( my left nipple was super sore last cycle when using tren e and sus)

Also, im getting married in 8 weeks so I have that extra bit of motivation there :)

What do you guys think?
your tren dosage is weak. 75mg EoD is 37.5 ED....I wouldn't go below 50mg ED or 100mg EoD.

Also, say goodbye to your cardio using tren. Most fighters use compounds such as deca, npp, var, halo, winny and primo for their cycles...not tren.

As for your diet, if you want to put on size then you need to eat at a caloric surplus. Simple as that.
That was my mistake. Doses will be 100mg each EOD. The kickboxing circuit is mostly done for the year so i have until new years to get back upto previous fitness levels which should be ok if i can finish this cycle by dec.
You need to make your mind up cut or bulk . Why don't you try and drop your body fat to 11/12% then Do a cutting cycle if you want to be lean for your training I don't think you need tren to achieve your goals a simple test and mast cycle can achieve that and save your tren for your next cycle