Test P, Tren a, Mast cycle NEED HELP

Green man

New member
Test Prop W 1-10 100mg eod
Tren Ace W 1-10 50mg eod
Mast Prop W 1-10 50mg eod
( pre mix "cut stack" blend.)
A-dex W 1-10 .5 mg eod
clomid W 11-12 50mg ed
nolva W11-12 40mg ed

Do the dosages look alright? Different people have suggested running the test higher then tren and tren higher then test so looking for some feed back on the matter.
should I take Dbol or Var during this cycle? if so when?
what else can be added to pct or during cycle to avoid sides or increase gains? and what results should i expect?
6'2 190lbs 24yo
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50mgs of tren eod is kinda low. Mast really doesn't work till you get 600+mgs per week. You can run a low dose of test. Blends really aren't preferred becausd you can't adjust the dose of each compound. Maybe pick up some extra tren and more mast...
Hmmm... just saw your stats. Your like a skinny fat build. This probably isn't a cycle for you. Work on diet and look into a test only cycle once you get diet dialed in. That will take a bit of time...
Hmmm... just saw your stats. Your like a skinny fat build. This probably isn't a cycle for you. Work on diet and look into a test only cycle once you get diet dialed in. That will take a bit of time...

haha im actually not fat i am in my off season so i have extra pounds on but i wrestle and when i diet i walk around at 172ish and wrestle 165.. also our BF test is done to see how much weight we can lose so the AT is usually generous with the %
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Definitely focus on getting ur weight up with proper nutrition. Id say 215 would be perfect before you need to cycle but shit I started early so i cant hate... need to add some caber in there to help with prolactin. Good luck!
Definitely focus on getting ur weight up with proper nutrition. Id say 215 would be perfect before you need to cycle but shit I started early so i cant hate... need to add some caber in there to help with prolactin. Good luck!

im actually trying to move up a weight class and wanted to do so by putting on lean tone muscle and was told this cycle was a good way to add strength without getting to big/bulky. but i also dont know much about this haha. what do you run caber at?
Weeks 1-10 @ .50 mg E3D. Id also run the test propr for 12 weeks but thats just me. Yes it is a good cycle for lean mass gain but your diet will dictate that more than anything. Low fat and very low sodium and stick to organic foods.
Weeks 1-10 @ .50 mg E3D. Id also run the test propr for 12 weeks but thats just me. Yes it is a good cycle for lean mass gain but your diet will dictate that more than anything. Low fat and very low sodium and stick to organic foods.

thank you i appreciate it! my coaches and nutritionist always have good diets for me to follow so im not to worried about that part, but im still nervous on the dosage do you think this blend is enough or should i run higher tren? would 100mg Eod for each work?
Why don't you spend your money on a better diet and a trainer like 3J. AAS isn't the answer for you and your goal
That adex dose is going to put a hurting on you with that small test dose unless you KNOW you need that much. Mast and tren at 175mg/wk isn't going to do much for you either. I suggest you drop this plan entirely as you want to start up ONE new compound at a time. That makes it MUCH easier to figure things out if something goes wrong - which is certainly possible with tren in the mix.

Honestly, nutrition aside, I'd start far more basic - like deca and test (or NPP if you want short esters) . That will give you exposure to a 19-nor, and is only bringing one more compound to the table at the same time. You'll still grow very well if everything else is in check.

My .02c :)
Why don't you spend your money on a better diet and a trainer like 3J. AAS isn't the answer for you and your goal

What he said ^^^ but I still believe if someone is going to post on this forum like yourself you are going to run the cycle regardless of what we say so im going to tell you how I would do it. Id run the test prop at 500 mg/week and the tren ace at 350mg/week. You NEED to run PCT clomid and nolva for four weeks. I wouldnt add any orals and the mast prop isnt something i would worry about personally i just think its something else to worry about that isnt necessary. Good luck and do more research on PCT. HCG wpuldnt be a bad idea either. 250 ius 2x week from week 1 until the day before PCT starts