Test Prop W 1-10 100mg eod
Tren Ace W 1-10 50mg eod
Mast Prop W 1-10 50mg eod
( pre mix "cut stack" blend.)
A-dex W 1-10 .5 mg eod
clomid W 11-12 50mg ed
nolva W11-12 40mg ed
Do the dosages look alright? Different people have suggested running the test higher then tren and tren higher then test so looking for some feed back on the matter.
should I take Dbol or Var during this cycle? if so when?
what else can be added to pct or during cycle to avoid sides or increase gains? and what results should i expect?
6'2 190lbs 24yo
Test Prop W 1-10 100mg eod
Tren Ace W 1-10 50mg eod
Mast Prop W 1-10 50mg eod
( pre mix "cut stack" blend.)
A-dex W 1-10 .5 mg eod
clomid W 11-12 50mg ed
nolva W11-12 40mg ed
Do the dosages look alright? Different people have suggested running the test higher then tren and tren higher then test so looking for some feed back on the matter.
should I take Dbol or Var during this cycle? if so when?
what else can be added to pct or during cycle to avoid sides or increase gains? and what results should i expect?
6'2 190lbs 24yo
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