Test P vs Test E. A few test prop questions


New member
How does P compare to E in terms of active test.

Is taking 750mg of test E the same as taking 750mg of test Prop.. Trying to a good dose for my test p run... My last 3 cycles have been 600 to 750mg of test E.
Test prop will contain roughly 72-78ish of more testosterone hormone compared to its counter part Test E that can be about 50-56% hormone, and the rest being ester weight... It will vary from each individual, depending on how it metabolizes and such...

People have different preferences with test for great reason
200 mg eod is a good place to start since you have been up to 750 ew with test e.

I like test p in the warmer months because I seem to hold less water. I prefer 200 eod just so I don't have to pin ed.
One is in and out in about half the time of the other. It's pinning EOD/ED vs E3.5D/E7D, and prop can hurt like a mother.

Trying to decide based on ester weight is silly unless you're pinning GRAMS of gear, and even then it's doubtful one would notice the difference.

My .02c :)
I don't see why you would run a test p only anyway. I know you said you have 10 vials but I would at least run a low dose Test E for the base.

I always run E and run P with it and not just for a kick start. I'm doing that now and my test level is extremely high.

How does P compare to E in terms of active test.

Is taking 750mg of test E the same as taking 750mg of test Prop.. Trying to a good dose for my test p run... My last 3 cycles have been 600 to 750mg of test E.

No but you would probably not notice anything other than the injection protocol.EOD injections suck. Test prop is 81% test. Test cyp or test e is 70-71%.