Test Prop 2 weels bridge


New member
Had this idea of doing Test Prop 2 weeks before post cycle therapy (pct) Bridging into it. Doing 150 EOD. My last injection would be on a Thursday giving me 3 days for it to exit into post cycle therapy (pct) like I'd of normally have done with my Test-E alone. I've heard benefits from doing Prop into post cycle therapy (pct). Solidfying gains, and easing yourself into it.
You are not easing yourself into anything. You are just using a different ester to extend your cycle two more weeks. Test e or c is a self tapering drug because of the long half life. Just stick with the protocol :). You're over thinking it.
Some people do a lot of things. I have found that it is really not necessary.

If you were using a short ester like prop of test base, then it would be necessary to taper down so that your levels do not crash overnight. The difference in a half life of 7 days and a half life of 7 hours is a big thing.

If you were doing test base at 75mg every day, drop it to 50mg for three days, then 25, for a week or so, while starting your clomid and nolvadex while you are dosing at 25mg a day.

If you think about the timing of pct on a Test E cycle, it's two weeks after your last shot. If the half life of test e is 7 days, and you are doing 500mg a week, you still have 125mg of exogenous test floating in your system when you start post cycle therapy (pct). Dosing test base at 25mg a day, you will also have around 125mg of test in your system.
bro i have done it many times. and if i use test e now i always do it.
it works well for me.

do you find a difference when using it and not? Benefits? I was gonna do it 150mg EOD, but should I be stopping 3 days before PCT which would last shot would be Thursday. Which would then be the same day I'd start PCT if I just used my Test-E alone. Or do I just start PCT 3 days after last injection when I run out of Test-Prop.
Starting with prop and ending with prop is a great idea. I always do it.
I dont see why people wait 4-5 weeks to have the test kick in...imo thats old school.
What i do is start with prop and suspension, while i have my long esters build up. At week 4-5 then i stop short esters, not totally but for the major part.
End of cycle i do the opposite. Stop long esters, and while they decrease i keep a steady level with prop. I time all this shit so they all crash at once. This way theres no fucking around with slowly decreasing levels.
I want to have my test crash all at once to be able to start PCT asap to bring natty test up.
This minimizes the amount of time my body has to go thru a low test period.

To OP, imo its a very good idea. But think of doing it at the start of your cycle too!
I like the idea, but why not do it with dbol or Winstrol (winny)? You're already shut down and orals clear the system in hours, not days.
I'm about ur timing when ending with prop? I see the the possible benefit of not waiting out the long ester,slowly decreasing T levels.....seems like timing is what makes this most effective