Test Prop 300


First Huge Prick
Started my first cycle today.

32 y/o
167 lbs
Lifting for 15 yrs

Cycle consists of:
100ml eod + 20mg Nolvadex ed

The first prick was a non-event.

Excited to detail my progress and get feedback.
Day 3 - and workout for the day

Day 3 (second pin).

A little sore from day one but I felt needle 2 about an hour later. I am not sure if it's because I used approximately the same location or because I wiggled the pin a bit more than the last time.

My workout routine is as follows since I didn't post that during my first post.

typical splits:

Day 1: Back and Bi's
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Chest and Tri's
Day 5: Shoulders and Abs
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Chest and Tri's

I'm typically hitting about 5-6 exercises per muscle group and between 3-4 sets at 10-12 reps.

I eat clean and about 6-7 times a day, but I'm bad at calculating calories.

My typical meal contains approx 8oz of fish or chicken and 1 cup of rice or 1 medium potato. I also have about 3 shakes a day (low carb, ~48g protein).

I really use the mirror and the scale to determine how much I'm taking in.

I'll keep you posted.
Man, 5-6 exercises/muscle group is a lot. 3 and I'm done.

I was also interested in how long the cycle is.

Chest and triceps on day 4 and 7? I dont understand this. I would drop the reps to 5 or 8 on the first compound exercise and lift some heavy weight. But thats me, thats where I respond well.
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Started my first cycle today.

32 y/o
167 lbs
Lifting for 15 yrs

Cycle consists of:
100ml eod + 20mg Nolvadex ed
The first prick was a non-event.

Excited to detail my progress and get feedback.

Clarify this. Are you taking Nolva ED throughout the cycle??????????
Man, 5-6 exercises/muscle group is a lot. 3 and I'm done.

I was also interested in how long the cycle is.

Chest and triceps on day 4 and 7? I dont understand this. I would drop the reps to 5 or 8 on the first compound exercise and lift some heavy weight. But thats me, thats where I respond well.

It seems like a lot but I don't go heavy on my weights; I really focus on the muscle and form.

My day 7 chest and tri is extremely light but used since my chest is lacking compared to other areas. It has always worked for me if I do it this way but as I read my body, I'll cut/add exercises or days that I work.
Forgot to answer you guys: My cycle is going to last 12 weeks with a post cycle therapy (pct) of Clomid.

Also, as a followup on my second prick....my ass was sore all damn day! WOW! Yesterday was back to normal though and I'm feeling great.

No changes to report yet...I'll keep you informed.
Was away last week on business but got in a few good workouts in anyway. There is nothing like being at your home gym though.

Anyway, the pins dont hurt anymore and I'm experiencing serious strength gains and I'm eating like a maniac.

All-in-all, I'm feeling really good, no sickness,no pain, and I'm gaining weight as I planned. There is noticeable change already and I'm excited to see what happens after another 9 weeks!
Everything is going as planned. No side effects or issues to speak of.

My gains have been huge and I can tell there is a visible difference in my appearance.

I'm very satisfied so far.
3 and a half weeks in and my strength is quite improved. I can tell the difference in my body and the pumps feel incredible. I have developed more acne than usual, but nothing that is difficult to manage; there are simply more than i would typically have. I've gained nearly 8 pounds over the course of the past few weeks and have been eating like a wild animal.

Libido hasn't changed too much = still want it all of the time.

The pricks don't hurt at all anymore and the process is actually very simple and extremely quick.

I'll keep you all posted as I continue on for the next several weeks.
Quick reply for today.

My strength continues and I'm up 14lbs from the time I started and I've lost 2% of bf. I have been breaking out a bit more, but that is expected.

People who know me have noticed the change without me saying a thing; that is the ultimate feedback in my opinion.

I'll keep you posted and continue to SFW.
My clothes are getting SMALL

Not a bad problem to have, but my tshirts are getting too small, people are recognizing that I'm bulking, and my back is broken out like an 18 year old.

Well, the last one sucks, but I can deal with it.

I'm just a bit past my half way point in the cycle and I'm as strong as ever and I am feeling great.

Ran out of test prop from BP and started with Testolic...no change, but it sucks that I ran out of the same gear.

Note about Nolva

Also, just a note about taking Nolva during the entire cycle. My gains are still outstanding and I've not had ANY problems. I read a lot about how it can hamper your gains, but at this point, I'm still extremely satisfied about how things are going and I would not know that Nolva is holding me back in any way.
make sure you are rotating your injection site.

^^ i was going to say, you said you were still sore from the first injection and your not sure which pin it was?
Have u thaught about doing your quads? I find it quick painless and less effort, you can sit down comfterbly hold the pin however is comfterbal and take your time.

Starting my prop100/stan50 cycle in about a month keep updating i like what im hearing.
also what are your goals? you want to bulk? just thinking for work out reg
12 reps are you lookin to add lean bulk?

GL bro keep up the hard work.
Ok ...so this is a quick run down of how my first cycle has gone to this point.

I am over 20lbs heavier with noticeable physique changes and getting much stronger. Weights I was putting up before I started now seem trivial.

It is amazing to see what a single compound will do; I am already looking forward to adding on during my second cycle.

I have seen quite a bit of back acne, but who cares.

My libido is out of control!

I haven't moved away from pinning my glutes for the fear of going too deep elsewhere and hitting a nerve. I don't have pain anymore when hitting my glutes so I am just going to finish out doing so.

It's going very well. I will post picks when I am done my cycle.
i would have run aromasin instead of nolva. well i am running aromasin ED. nolva makes me break out like crazy. i have a lil bit of backne but my face is clear as can be. i started to take the aromasin eod then i start to beak out and i just went back to ed.
Ok ...so this is a quick run down of how my first cycle has gone to this point.

I am over 20lbs heavier with noticeable physique changes and getting much stronger. Weights I was putting up before I started now seem trivial.

It is amazing to see what a single compound will do; I am already looking forward to adding on during my second cycle.

I have seen quite a bit of back acne, but who cares.

My libido is out of control!

I haven't moved away from pinning my glutes for the fear of going too deep elsewhere and hitting a nerve. I don't have pain anymore when hitting my glutes so I am just going to finish out doing so.

It's going very well. I will post picks when I am done my cycle.

Well just know that by not rotating injection sites you can start to build up scare tissue. There's a spot on my glute that I can't push the needle through because of this. That is why it's best to rotate. Just wait until you get bigger, you won't even be able to pin there anymore on your own. Quads are by far the easiest and pain free spot to pin. Good luck, all sounds good.