test prop, bold ace, npp


New member
has anyone made a conversion with a mixture of the three of these, totalling 300mg/ml. I'll be using 10g Test prop, 10g Bold Acetate and 10g NPP. I was just wondering if anyone successfully completed a conversion and made a final solution that was relatively painfree. and If so, how much ba and bb did you use. I suppose I could make this at 225mg/ml which equates to 75mg of each hormone, but I'd rather not.
bro 300mg/ml of short ester gear is gonna be painful as hell. now if it was test enan, eq and deca it would go 500mg/ml pain free or close to it. but short ester gear just cant be done that high pain free. you may get it 150 or so but thats about it. some tolerate more than others but its just too much homone for short ester.

but you could make it and try a shot. if its too painbful cut it down in increments til it is pain free.

it should hold with 2% ba and 20% bb no prob. that'll give ya 100ml of fianl solution at 300.
NPP can be really fickle too. I have some at 200mg/ml....pain free, but I have to heat the shit 2x a week to keep it in solution. I am at about 5%BA and 22% BB with it now and now diff. Bold ace has been fucking a lot of people up too. about 90% of people that try it say the shots are rediculously painful and makes them sicker then shit. I wouldn't mix that stuff with anything......if your body doesn't agree with it you will have wasted all of your gear.

Now, I would do this;
Test prop- 100mg/ml 3%BA 7%BB
NPP- 100mg/ml 5% BA 15%BB
Bold Ace 50mg/ml 5% BA 10%BB
ya know deadlift, I might just have to try it out your way. I thought only the bold prop was giving people problems, I can get either one so thats not an issue. Would everyone generally say that bold ace is better than bold prop in terms of their body "not agreeing"? I was actually trying to minimize the volume (ml wise) in each injection, but I think thats not going to happen. I guess its better to shoot an extra cc than to not be able to handle the resonating pain.
security1769 said:
i've done it before (but not with npp so maybe that will be different).

short easter gear will not consistantly hold at that ratio. it may sometimes and others it wont. shoot the extra bb to it and dont worry about it. home brew is not exact science. what works one time may not work the next. too many variables. time of year (winter , summer) different powder sources, etc..... anyone who has been in the home brew game for a number of years can tell you this. i made some cyp 333 a couple months back @ 2/20 and it has crashed. go figure. i heat it up and fire away.