Test Prop Cycle 1st Cycle in 8years


New member
I'm new to this forum and have been reading sticky's on cycles and PCT for weeks to get more educated. I'm 34yrs old. Have been lifting since high school, and in college I did a few cycles of Test E/Winni, and did so without any advice on PCT or effects of estrogen and obviously made alot of mistakes. I'm 6'2", 250, and 18%bf. My goals are to build good lean muscle mass, and hopefully with a high protein diet and low carbs I can lose some body fat. I have 2 20ml vials of Test Prop 200mg/ml. I plan on running a 12 week cycle while taking 150mg M,W,F. I also have 120 Clomid Tabs (50mg's) each, and Liquid Anastro-Aromatase Inhibitors 1mg/ml (60ml bottle). I want to do this cycle right and plan on having blood work done next week before starting the cycle. I'm basically looking for advice on laying out when to use the Clomid/Liquid Anastro so that I have the most productive cycle and keep as much of the gains as I can. I did have my blood work done a year ago for a physical, and I do remember that my T level are already low at 390ng/dl. My doctor stated I would have to be a little lower before he would look at any Test Replacement Therapy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I'm familiar with Clomid. A standard PCT on this would look like this 75/50/50/50
Not heard or used the liquid Anastro, sorry, but im sure someone will clue you up.

Only other advice i could offer is try get your hands on some HCG. This will basically keep your balls from shrinking and allow them to continue to do their job.
Get your blood work done before, during and after your cycle... That would be a good move.
Thank you for the advice. I will be purchasing some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) soon. Thanks
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Good Stuff.

There is alot of good advise to be found on this forum. I did my first cycle when i was in my 20's, no pct was ever discussed in them days.
These days things can be done safely and there are plenty of people on here to offer support.
Good luck buddy and keep us posted
Can someone explain to me when I would start my PCT on the above cycle. From what I've read with Test Prop it would be a few days after my last injection due to the short half life but an earlier post said my PCT would look like 75/50/50/50 with Clomid. I guess I would like a little clarification of what to take and when in this cycle to do the PCT correct. Along with the Clomid I have the liquid anastro (ameridex). I will continue reading the sticky's before starting any cycle, but would like those who have experience to educate me. Thanks again.

PS. I am still going to do blood work before/after and will also be purchasing some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) before the cycle.