Test prop cycle questions


New member
Ok this is whats goin on, im doing a test only cycle. This is my first cycle. I have been training for 5 years bodybuilding seroisly for 3. Right now im 5'6 170lbs lean at around 12% or less bodyfat. My dieting is usually 100% except for occasional weekends that I go to the clubs/bars and get crunk.

I plan to do test prop because it is out of your system faster than any form of testosterone. If i have any sides i can discontinue and it will be out of my system faster than any other form of testosterone. I also chose prop because its easier to plan post cycle therapy (pct) and im not afraid of needles. Over a lot of research and what is available 2 me i came up with 2 possible cycles.

OPTION 1: Ok I was planning to do my first cycle of test prop at 100mg eod with arimidex to prevent excess water retention that i do not want! I dont want to get bloated up so ppl can accuse me of steroids! I have a few questions regardiong this. If I use arimidex should I also still be using nalvadex throughout the cycle just incase?

OPTION 2: As an alternative to arimidex I was thinking of 50mg's of provirone with 20mg's of nalva ed to help prevent water retention and estrogenic side effects

Both cycles will include nalvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) at 40mg a day for the first week then 20mg a day for another 3 weeks

What option should I go with for my cycle. If you have any suggestions please do not hesitate. I love constructive criticism
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Dont use nolva during the cycle. In addition to having absolutely no effect on bloating the stuff is highly toxic. Just use the arimidex at .25mg every day and you should be all set.
so do u think i should go with the test prop and arimidex or proviron and nalva

also the arimidex i get comes in 1mg pills so basically i would have to cut each pill into 4 pieces? Will this be a problem to do evenly? cycle will be ran for 8-10 weeks pref 10
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Cookie said:
so do u think i should go with the test prop and arimidex or proviron and nalva

also the arimidex i get comes in 1mg pills so basically i would have to cut each pill into 4 pieces? Will this be a problem to do evenly? cycle will be ran for 8-10 weeks pref 10

you can get a pill cutter quite cheaply ony a few £ if that. Test + arimidex will be fine mate.
Cookie said:
I plan to do test prop because it is out of your system faster than any form of testosterone. If i have any sides i can decrease the dose and it will be out of my system faster than any other form of testosterone. I also chose prop because its easier to plan post cycle therapy (pct) no and im not afraid of needles. Over a lot of research and what is available 2 me i came up with 2 possible cycles.

OPTION 1: Ok I was planning to do my first cycle of test prop at 100mg eod with arimidex to prevent excess water retention that i do not want! I dont want to get bloated up so ppl can accuse me of steroids! I have a few questions regardiong this. If I use arimidex should I also still be using nalvadex throughout the cycle just incase?

Do not run nolvdex while on. Arimidex is plenty sufficient. I would recomend aromsin over arimidex though.

OPTION 2: As an alternative to arimidex I was thinking of 50mg's of provirone with 20mg's of nalva ed to help prevent water retention and estrogenic side effects

Proviron does little to nothing for bloating. Nolvdex is not what you want. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex or aromsin prevents all of the estro problems at the source.

Both cycles will include nalvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) at 40mg a day for the first week then 20mg a day for another 3 weeks

Nolvadex only post cycle therapy (pct) will probably dissapoint you. WHile you hear the therys and the interent guru's talk about it being superior or just as good etc. IMO and experience it isn't clmid is much bette.r If anything comnbine the two. People discuss the sides of clomid. Don't run over 50mg clomid per day and you won't get sides.

What option should I go with for my cycle. If you have any suggestions please do not hesitate. I love constructive criticism

Hope that helps
if i was you i would try to avoid using arimidex until you find it completely necessary my gains as well as many others usually are alot better without it. besides prop doesnt really cause that much bloat as long as thats all ur taking i dont see why u need it.
so you wouldnt advise using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with test? then could i use nalva during cycle just to stop any estrogen related problems.
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Everyother day of prop could be a tough cycle to run due to injection pain. Sometimes prop is cool and does not bother me other times I have turned red at the site, and it has lasted for days....Why not start out on prop for the first 3 or for weeks along with a longer acting ester of test such as enethate or cypionate. Then at week 4 stop using prop and run 500mgs of enethate or cypionate alone. That in my opinion would be better. My reason for this is because the prop acts so fast, and you would have to inject much less after week 4. I did this with Sustanon and it worked great.
Oh yeah have nolva on hand but chances are you might not need it with only 500 mgs a week. If your nips get sore or swollen start using the nolva.
I will also be using hcg at 250iu every 4 days during my cycle of test prop. I was wondering when my last shot of hcg and test should be befour I begin to start my pct.
With Propionate I am not sure how long you should wait......I read on here one time that you could begin post cycle therapy (pct) after prop use in as little as 2 weeks. With long esters it could be as long as 4 but usually 3. Running HCG is a good idea, I am not sure how much during cycle I know after cyle 10,000 IU is protocol. Some folks like to start with Prop and end with prop. By start I mean to run it with a long ester at the begining of a cycle and end you just run prop alone. The reason for this is because you get let the long ester run out, and use the short ester. Then when you come off the short ester test you do not have to wait too long to start post cycle therapy (pct). This speeds recovery time and shortens your waiting period to get back on. You might already know this but, you should wait as long as your cycle and your recovery added together before starting another cycle. Nolva on cycle is good if you have issues with gyno. Clomid and HCG are the best for PCT.
I would just use the prop, having a-dex on hand NOT running it if not needed. I have yet to use any dose that caused bloat (and I compete).

Hcg is ok to use, just stop it a couple of days before you start the post cycle therapy (pct). As to what you want to use for post cycle therapy (pct) everyone will say different as everyone likes different. Nolva is a good first choice though, and most people who cycle uses it.

Also do not use Nolva during the cycle if youre not very prone to gyno. Have everything on hand and youre good to go.

Good luck
I just ran my first cycle
weeks 1-6 Anavar 60mg/day
weeks 1-8 Test prop 250/week

Was wondering if 3 weeks of Nolva dosed 20mg/day and clomid dosed 50mg/day would be ok for PCT? any suggestions
This is an old thread and you should have just started a new one, but...

only 250mg of Test per week?

That's only 50mg, more than some testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patients.

if it was up to me I would jump back on and run it another 8 weeks at 500mg.