Test Prop + Dbol + Stanozolol possible ?


New member
Hey ive picked my choice from my last thread and i also read some usefull things here.
So i chose to do a 8 week Test prop + dbol.
I have 2 questions:
1) Is there any way after im done done with dbol to switch up to stanozolol or not ? For example 1-6 weeks Dbol 1-12 weeks Test prop , 8-12 weeks Stanozolol? If there is any way how should i do it ?
2) What would be the correct way to do it ? 1-6 Dbol 20/30/40/40/30/20 + 1-12 test prop 100 mg EOD + stanozolol 8-12 30/40/50/40 ?
For PCT im thinking about Clomid 4 weeks 50mgs ED. Should i go for nolva as well or nah ?
Holy shit OP I'm here, I'm here ! :dance2: First welcome :wavey:

I don't understand scuh a short cycle

So in short NO to your Q's. It would not be a good cycle at all and mostly a waist. A better way to approach helping you would be to get your complete stats and your GOAL for this cycle. Then we cold discuss some changes.
a little history

OP read or re-read the steroid profiles of Winstrol carefully and thoroughly.

We are all in and out on here so be patient hang in here, you will get discussed and helped :smoker:
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Your Post is a bit confusing.
On the 1 hand, you are talking about an 8 Week Cycle of Test Prop and Dbol.

Then you go on with, could you switch over to Winstol after the Dbol, and here you are talking about a 12 Week Cycle.

You really don't want to go over 6 Weeks straight with an Oral on any Cycle.
So 6 Weeks with Dbol, then a 1 Week Break, and 5 Weeks of Winstrol (Stanozolol).
Your Liver Enzymes would be Through the Roof, you'd be lucky if your Liver didn't get Jaundiced.

Is this by any chance a 1st Cycle, it seems like it from your questions.
A Better Choice if this is a 1st Cycle, would be a Test Only Cycle.
With one of the Long Ester Tests like Cypionate or Enanthate.
While it's true that Short Ester Test will reach Peak Blood Plasma Levels sooner.
Long Ester Test is more Anabolic by Virtue of its Length of time in the body.

And I'm with "Oldmusclemike" on this.
Your Current Stats would be very helpful........................... JP
Sorry for late response
Wt - 180lbs
Ht - 5,9-6ft i guess
BF% - about 15% id say
a little history - My first cycle was at 21 and my goal was to cut down cuz i had a lot of fat ive been down to 10% id guess but now im about 15% compared to before
Goals - Well im sorry to confuse if i do, I know the basics of cycles and steroids i dont know a whole lot... Other than that ive run a dbol cycle for strenght gains.
I haven't decided yet i am aiming for 2 different things and if you can answer me what should i do to make it happen would be really nice.
As i said i got 2 options
1) Next year go in to a powerlifting meet at the 83kg/180lbs category- here i am aiming for strenght and of course muscle gains- in this case i dont have to gain much weight because ill go out of the category ( ill have a strict diet so i dont go over 185-190lbs)
1.1) Is it possible while not going over 185-190lbs to gain mass and burn fat at the same time with test prop and dbol or it is not possible because of the water weight ill get from dbol
Other option
2) F*ck powerlifting even go from 180lbs - 210lbs and cut down- is it possible to go with test prop + dbol until 210lbs and then cut down to 180 with stanozolol or no?