Test Prop/DBol/Winny Cycle


New member
First post looking forward to good advice and all comments.

6' 00"
Around 15-17% BF
2nd Cycle (1st was T400 for 10 weeks)
4 Years serious working out experience overall very active and fit
Want to bulk first half then cut second half

Test Prop 100mg EOD Week 1-10 (using all major pin sites)
DBol 50mg ED Week 1-4 (Split AM/PM)
Winny 50mg ED Week 6-10 (Split AM/PM)

PCT 72hrs after last pin

Nolva 40/40/20
Clomid 50/50/25

Taking Cycle Support by Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Sports Nutrition for liver support
Taking Purple Wrath for EAA/BCAA

Diet is in check

Thanks in advance
Looks pretty good to me man. The only thing that concerns me is the length of time you're running orals. That's 8wks of orals. If I were you I would just pick one or the other and use it for a max of 6wks.
Thanks for the advice.

That was a concern of mine as well but I weighed the pros and cons and have decided to run both.

Ill be sure to keep this updated on my gains
Update on the cycle.

Pinned glutes first two shots and it all went as smooth as butter. Didn't hurt like I kept reading.
3rd pin in left bicep, first ever bicep pin, again didn't hurt everything went good.
Started to think that people just over exaggerated on the pain but on my fourth pin right bicep oh man. Next day I had a small penny size bruise and the pain was really there. Manageable but I could feel it.

Gym has been good I feel extra energy but not sure if its placebo or its real.

Just wanted to update
Update 2.

Up to 220 lbs solid going into my 4 and final week of dbol. Really seeing the size pack on.
I did up the test prop to 150 EOD because I felt like it was some weak gear. (Not using him again)
Pins are going good. No pain at all I guess I'm one of the lucky guys.
Not noticing any sides minor sore nipples but Its good to know that the gears working.
Just another update for my own use or yours. Be back soon