Test prop/ EQ cycle timing


New member
Stack (June 3rd-Sept 2nd)
Test prop 100-150mg EOD 3-12
EQ 200-300mg twice per week 1-12
HCG 250ui twice per week 4-12
Letro ¼ tablet twice per week 1-12

Anyone have experience with a test prop and EQ cycle? I am trying to figure out the post cycle therapy (pct) timing. I am running EQ 3 weeks before test prop, will this work?

Post a test prop/eq cycle you have done. (no test e)
why would you run it three weeks before starting test p? The reason test p is going to b tricky is because of the timing wont match up for the cycle. You are running short ester test( fast acting, shorter total cycle) with EQ ( slow gains for longer period). So yes Test E woulf make more sense bc the you could go 15 test and 14 on the EQ. If for some strange reason you cant use test e or c then run p for 13 and EQ for 12 then follow your post cycle therapy (pct) normal. That is just M.O.
By your stated "(no test e)", you obv. know that you should be using Test E with eq. How come you're using TP? Your pinning won't line up, and be all over the place.

A typical eq cycles have always been...
- 1-14 Test E
- 1-12 EQ
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 3-16
- 17-18 - Nolva 40 ed
- 19-20 - Novla 20 ed
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