New member
24 yrs old
bf 13%
been eating around 2600 extremely clean cals daily just to drop as much excess bodyfat before cycle as possible was aiming to up this to 3200/3500 while on cycle still all clean.
after holding back for a couple of years i feel i am now ready to proceed with my first cycle,
i have got clomid or nolva (just gotta choose 1) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and armidex on hand so post cycle therapy (pct) is pretty much sorted.
i have got my hands on an 8/10 week cycle of test prop and was planning to do 125 Eod. i know that is a lot of pinning for a first timer but have never had a problem with needles so i didn't really mind that.
the main reason i have gone with Prop due to report of less sides, bloat, better "lean gains" when compared with a longer 12/13 week test E cycle?? plus if any severe sides come then with prop it is easier to come off quickly if needed.
i have read about Prop injection pain and was just looking for any help regarding making the regular injections less painful?
was looking for some guidance/advice on this cycle and post cycle therapy (pct)
have been trying to decide between this cycle for 8/10 weeks or a Test E cycle for 12 weeks. have now leaned towards this prop cycle and looking for help guidance
24 yrs old
bf 13%
been eating around 2600 extremely clean cals daily just to drop as much excess bodyfat before cycle as possible was aiming to up this to 3200/3500 while on cycle still all clean.
after holding back for a couple of years i feel i am now ready to proceed with my first cycle,
i have got clomid or nolva (just gotta choose 1) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and armidex on hand so post cycle therapy (pct) is pretty much sorted.
i have got my hands on an 8/10 week cycle of test prop and was planning to do 125 Eod. i know that is a lot of pinning for a first timer but have never had a problem with needles so i didn't really mind that.
the main reason i have gone with Prop due to report of less sides, bloat, better "lean gains" when compared with a longer 12/13 week test E cycle?? plus if any severe sides come then with prop it is easier to come off quickly if needed.
i have read about Prop injection pain and was just looking for any help regarding making the regular injections less painful?
was looking for some guidance/advice on this cycle and post cycle therapy (pct)
have been trying to decide between this cycle for 8/10 weeks or a Test E cycle for 12 weeks. have now leaned towards this prop cycle and looking for help guidance