test prop help


New member
hi guys im 5'7 about 180lbs, im on my 7th week of test prop 100mg eod, adex .25 eod, i have only gained about 6 pounds so far (some is fat). i have been reading alot about how long i can run test prop safely but there are many opinions, some say prop is ineffective after 8 weeks, while some say its good past that but harder to recover. My mate was on it for 25 weeks and came off fine, but he could be a genetic freak.

This is my first cycle, i dont think i have gained that much noticeable muscle, diets been pretty good, but i do eat alot of nuts.
I have nolva, but am going to see a new source to see if they have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid.
I tried ordering aromasin and clomid online but customs seized it so i got stuck with arimadex and nolva which i got from the guy i got my test from.

my question is can i keep running prop past 8 weeks safely and should i up my dose?
the only side effect i have noticed is hair shedding, but nizarol daily helps with that.

i would keep the dose the same , dont change it and i wouldnt go longer then 12 weeks on the cycle , especially considering tis your first . 12 is fine , clomid would make a great addition to post cycle therapy (pct) , u may still have time to get it . The board sponsor RUI at the top of the page carries it , its legit and wont be siezed . post cycle therapy (pct) starts 4-5 days after last injection
also , u should have gained more then 6lb in 7 weeks , i think there must be a problem with your diet . in order to gain more , u need to eat more , yourbody wont grow on any gear if u arent feeding it , also the more u grow , the more u need to eat on top of that to gain even more . U must only be eating maintenace cals , try eating more
thanks, i think research chems are illegal in new zealand, ive tried to order from two sites but they got seized. i was sick last week with the flu and lost a pound as i found it hard to train and eat. So do you reckon i should be sweet going to the 10 week mark when i finish my vial?i have been aiming for around 3000cal a day
at 3000cals for your body wieght and height , id say thats probably near maintenance cals , but whatever , yes u would be good going to 10 weeks no problem