Test Prop Questions please help!!!


New member
Hi guys ... I have done some research into these questions already but keep finding mixed answers and its just a little confusing. So i thought i would ask the forum direct.

My past couple of cycles have been Test prop (100 EOD) /anavar (60 ED) and i really have enjoyed the results. I ran AI and did pct but won't go into that right now.

1)I am about to start again but have heard that you should be front loading Test Prop although its a fast acting ester???

2)I was thinking of going 150 EOD do you guys think that this would be more suitable?

3)Now for the one that will probably cause controversy...How unsafe is it to run test prop for 16 weeks. Bare in mind I won't be running anavar for more than 8 weeks.

Thanks as always for your guidance guys :)
No need to frontload test prop at all. It kicks in quick regardless. You can run test for 16 weeks sure...but remember, the longer you're on, the harder the recovery. 12-16 weeks is a good length cycle and shouldn't be too difficult to bounce back from.
150 eod makes more sense but thats too long for prop... Besides pinning a hundred times its expensive... Use prop as a kick start but use test e for the cycle
U might have misunderstood some things. Many will use prop at the beginning of their cycle for the first 4 weeks with a long ester test. The prop acts like a kicker until the long ester kicks in. Nothing wrong with running prop for 16 weeks. It's not very efficient to do that. Lots of pins, jugs, and injection sites. If your up to it, have at it...
There is at least one UGL out there that has Test Suspension, and while it has absolutely NO ester, it's awesome as a kicker during those first 4 weeks. The last cycle I used it on, I would pin 50mg with a 30 gauge pin about 30 min before my workout, and use it along with my Test Prop that I was pinning eod. I've even used it with Test E when I was pinning e5d...

That stuff rocked!
Thanks for your fantastic answers guys. The reason for staying on prop are ...i don't mind pinning at all, lots of sites to hit anyway. And the important one i feel like i don't bloat in prop where as test E i feel i do. Maybe thats just in my head. I was going to add some masteron in the last 4 weeks if i feel my bf% is low enough. What you guys think?
I use prop all the time cruises and blasts.... who wants to inly pinn twice a week?? Not me lol
There is at least one UGL out there that has Test Suspension, and while it has absolutely NO ester, it's awesome as a kicker during those first 4 weeks. The last cycle I used it on, I would pin 50mg with a 30 gauge pin about 30 min before my workout, and use it along with my Test Prop that I was pinning eod. I've even used it with Test E when I was pinning e5d...

That stuff rocked!

There's a lot of ugls making it. TNE (test no ester) is a popular pre-workout. I don't think u can front load a non ester because it basically hits u immediately. Very common for pre-workouts though.
im kinda the same on that. have you ever run them for 16weeks?
16 weeks lol try a year lol only readon ibe used test e here and there because it was given to me when i went through hard times and no money i always prefer test pp or p eventually ill use E but im on a mission right now
do you see a significant difference between using the 2? or do you just prefer the fact that you can tailor the amount of prop. Cuts ill be honest once i set an amount i tend to just stick with it anyway.
May be in my head but i feel better on prop and i dont get as much water retention seems like estrogen is not a big issue. But i also rarely go over 500 mgs im usually around 350 or less, I've never been a fan of high test i dont respond well. Test is only my base i let the other goodies do there job.
If i were to use test E through-out and front load with prop how would that look? how many weeks is best to front load for optimum results? I can't use d-bol by the way guys (some people have said use that).
If i were to use test E through-out and front load with prop how would that look? how many weeks is best to front load for optimum results? I can't use d-bol by the way guys (some people have said use that).

My last cycle
Test prop 100 mg eod weeks 1-5
Test c 600 mg week weeks 1-14

Front loading the long ester with the short worked well.. I also had some deca and primo in there