Test prop, tren ace, anadrol cycle. My last hoorahhh


New member
Hey guys.
I have been on and off steroids for the past 7 years but haven't touched them for the past 2 years.
I have sourced very very top quality tren ace (thaiger) and test prop along with really good anadrol. This is going to be my last course and the reason it took my so long to start was cos I was waiting until I sourced top quality juice.

any way my cycle I am doing is this :

Anadrol 1-8 weeks 150mgs a day

Tren ace 1-12 weeks 100 msg a day

Test prop 1-14 weeks 200mgs a week, do will be putting about 30mgs in with each tren jab.

I have read great reads about running max 200mgs of test when running tren for minimum sides so I'm gonna give it ago.
I'm starting all this tomorrow so if sum one has some advice let me know :)
Oh and I'll post a before and after picture
Minimum sides? Well shit you're already doing 150mg drol and 700mg tren per week.
I've never ran my test that low with tren, I'm not so sure the side effects are from high test, test is so mild compared to tren. If you're worried about side effects maybe do higher test with a lower dose of tren.

Good luck with your cycle bro!