Test Propionate, Masterone/NPP, winny tabs


New member
Hello, guys!
My stats are 190 lbs, 12% BF
My goal is 200-205lbs, 9-10%BF
I am thinking about to make 12 weeks cycle with test prop, masterone/npp and winny tabs.What will be better for my goal?

1-12 500mg test prop
1-12 400mg masterone or NPP 400mg
1-6 50mg winstrol tabs
1st cycle?
What AI?
are you going to use caber or prami?
Other wise looks like a decent cycle if your diets good you'll put on some size stay lean and look hard as a rock.
1st cycle?
What AI?
are you going to use caber or prami?
Other wise looks like a decent cycle if your diets good you'll put on some size stay lean and look hard as a rock.
Second cycle.For AI i will use Aromasin.Diet will be something like 320 Protein 350-400 carbs, what do u think about this?
Not coachin here just curious. What was your first cycle.
Normally I'd say add a compound every cycle but mast is a pretty nice addition.

Maybe skip the oral. Learn how you react to npp, I really didn't notice it persay but the gains and strength were there. Mast just makes me hard, I'm sure it has other great qualities but that is the most noticeable.
My first cycle was Dianabol with test propionate.What do u think about trenbolone, is it too hard? Test prop tren mast... best combination but i think the tren is too hard...
You cycle looks fine. Save tren till you figure out other compounds.
Plenty of them to experiment with.
Tren fucks me up Interally. My blood work never looks good on it.