Test shot while having a cold


New member
I'me at the end of my cycle, 1 shot left today. But I got a sinus infection2 days ago, the worst part of it is passed but I'm still sick. I'm wonderin if it's smart and sanitary to take the shot whilst sick, or if it would be smarter to just forgo the final shot.
Any opinions?
Don't understand your thinking on this. Why wouldn't you take your last shot? You should have sanitary methods in place regardless...
Being on cycle can have slight negative effects on the immune system,, but continue to pin away
Yes, that was my thinking as Id read some info on test's effects on the immune system and also worried about the extra germs all over the place. Basically just sanitized the shit out of my hands/forearms then went and pinned away. Thanks
Being on cycle can have slight negative effects on the immune system,, but continue to pin away

yup.. being on high test suppresses the immune system.. but i would take the last shot and get ready for pct