test suspension? need info? detection !!!pls help

beast master

New member
hey all, im a pro sportsman iv been on gh for last year or so, this off season im looking to go on a small cycle of test suspension, as its the quickest out of the system and because im definately not gonna be tested for 3 months ,as im pro im subject to random testing when i start back im looking to run the cycle for a month and then be off for two months before i start back.
if i take it every day for a months cycle, i know it says 3 days clearence time but does this clearance time go up if im taking it for a month? im about 12% bfat and weigh 98 kgs? what would be the maximum clearance times for sus after this?

the test i might have to take if i get selected is a piss test, under the governing body wada they test for everything, i believe for testosterone its the test epi test ratio that is the give away? how long does this take to return to normal after cycle also? and is this tested with a piss test?

alot of questions i know, i just need more info and to see what u guys think

any comments greatly appreciated