Test Suspension/Tren Ace/Winstrol injection


National Champion
hello guys !
im 6.3" , 220lbs , ~12 % bf atm .
im on week 3 of Test Prop/Tren Ace , gained about 7 lbs ,dropped about 1.5% bf ... changes are rapid so far ,i am very pleased, although i felt no serious boost on strength matters. 250mg each is my weekly dosage
now , my test prop is nearly empty , and my guy said he only has Test Suspension in hand...
1) my question is (though i know it might not be advisable) :can i shoot test susp with tren ace together on a mix?
and 2) im planning to introduce Winstrol (winny) injectable in the cycle in about 2 weeks , it is water based so :can i shoot Winstrol (winny) injection with suspension on a mix?
ive read you can shoot susp winn and tren together ? lies?
So you ran out of testosterone and want to run the cycle with an ester-less testosterone? Basically, you're asking to run a cycle without test.
enlighten me maybe mate? im in a difficult situation , my guy doesnt have propionate...if you can help out your welcome
I really don't think it will be too much of a change! Run the suspension twice a day at 50mg per , should be 1/2 ml ! I personally wouldn't mix sh.. ! I would shot each one seperate but that's me I feel something medetative about the whole process ! Lol Or maybe I'm just a juice junky lol
I assumed you meant mixing them in the same rig! If you meant the same cycle then definitely test suspension , tren ace , and Winstrol (winny) is a good cut cycle ! Good luck with your cardio though! Make it more about the diet!
enlighten me maybe mate? im in a difficult situation , my guy doesnt have propionate...if you can help out your welcome

If you want it to work with test suspension you'd need to do 2-3injections per day! I'd recommend trying to find a new source and get some test ASAP or come off cycle.
yeah , mixxing tren ace and test sus on the same syr would really be lovely ... i really dont want double pins ... but , is it safe? will it work?
yeah , mixxing tren ace and test sus on the same syr would really be lovely ... i really dont want double pins ... but , is it safe? will it work?

Test suspension has no ester and therefor gets metabolized quickly. What I'm trying to tell you is that you need a test base for any cycle. If you want to use test suspension as this 'base' you'll more than likely need 2-3injections/day to keep serum levels stable enough to make a difference.